
Hahaha....he's sooooooo fluffy, i see why you might think that ....
Thank you Sonja73, was so happy ran to the house to show my daughter. It was interesting because I hadn't checked and was cleaning out the coop. Once I got the coop cleaned with new bedding, thought I would check the boxes. Now since I changed the cedding, can't get the girls to go into the coop!

First eggs are awesome, now your daughter will want to go out and check every hour to see if there are any eggs.

Changing bedding always seems to throw them off the first time. I am sure they will get used to it. I switch from pine pellets to cedar shavings and you would think I remodeled much to their dismay, you can almost see the "I just ate something nasty" look on their faces. HAHAHAHA
Yeah, they do go in to roost at night...but are still avoiding it like the plague!!!! Oh well, I will see if we get another egg today! :)
I have a 2year old hen who has stopped laying. She lost a fair number of back feathers when we had a roo. But he has been gone for a couple months. The feathers have not grown back in and she stopped laying about 5 weeks ago. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions.
I would like to say no but she disappeared last night. And I have not found her today. So I am guessing she is found an obscure corner in the yard to brood in. I have 2 other hens who have gone broody. One is in a layer box and one built a beautiful nest in the blackberry bramble. They have 2 acres of space to roam. It could be a while before I find her.
I found my missing hen.. In the blackberry bramble sitting on a clutch of 19 eggs. I got her and the eggs out and she seems to have rejoined the group. Only 1 broody girl left and she is getting fertile eggs on Friday.

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