
Good luck on your "chick run" BearDrummer. I think most of the feed stores that sell chicks labeled "Ameraucana" and "Araucana" are actually Easter Eggers from what I've seen. But I've loved the eight EEs I've had and would definitely get more.
Now that we are pretty sure the chicks aren't going to suffer from the stress of moving in, we parceled out and started coming up with names.

I am most proud of my daughter, who named her Ameraucana "Hen Solo"
She named the other Ameraucana "Omelette"
My son named his silver laced wyandotte "Derpy"
My fosterish daughter named her barred rock (who we suspect is a rooster) "Marley"
My wife picked out an "assorted" white egger named "Gryffindor" and her "assorted" brown egger " Hufflepuff"
My stepfather named his "Onjin" or something similar (Japanese for chicken?)
My mother is naming her red sexlink either "Mia" or "Miss Priss" depending on personality

I am still struggling with a name for my barred rock... any ideas?

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