
I'm in Klamath County, so a little south of Bend and probably higher elevation. It's wise to look for breeds that have small combs. This winter has been pretty mild, but when it gets way below zero you can have frostbite on large combs. Other than that your choices look pretty good for a beginner. I'd add Buckeye to your list.

Hello, Oregon! I live in Vancouver, WA but attend college at PCC and travel through Portland frequently. Love love love!

I had a TON of chicks hatch over his past weekend have some leftover from wait-list that I would like to offer nearby BYC members:
- 8 Assorted Pure Bred Bantams $3.00 each
- 1 FREE Male Welsummer chick, One-day-old
- 1 FREE Japanese Bantam, two weeks old. Gender unknown.
- 1 Pair of Lavender Hamburg Bantams for $5.00. Hatched out of TINY blue eggs. Must take both, they adore each other.

I recently learned that I am technically outside of Vancouver city limits and am ALLOWED A ROOSTER! I am super excited, but also in a very tight neighborhood...and I don't really want to be "that neighbor with the annoying Rooster". Does anyone here have experience with the No-Crow-Rooster Collar?

Stay warm guys! I am freezing my butt off right now!!!!
I have a Breda rooster and he rarely crows. This is in part because I have a dominant roo with him but even when he has his own space and is able to crow in the morning, he doesn't crow anymore all day. Maybe you can try one of those?
I have a nice Bearded Buff Silkie Roo who was hatched 9/4/14, I actually i have two but I think I've found a home for one. They're hatch mates and stay together well, no fighting. I'm wondering if I should be splitting them up or finding a home for both?
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Hello, Oregon! I live in Vancouver, WA but attend college at PCC and travel through Portland frequently. Love love love!

I had a TON of chicks hatch over his past weekend have some leftover from wait-list that I would like to offer nearby BYC members:
- 8 Assorted Pure Bred Bantams $3.00 each
- 1 FREE Male Welsummer chick, One-day-old
- 1 FREE Japanese Bantam, two weeks old. Gender unknown.
- 1 Pair of Lavender Hamburg Bantams for $5.00. Hatched out of TINY blue eggs. Must take both, they adore each other.

I recently learned that I am technically outside of Vancouver city limits and am ALLOWED A ROOSTER! I am super excited, but also in a very tight neighborhood...and I don't really want to be "that neighbor with the annoying Rooster". Does anyone here have experience with the No-Crow-Rooster Collar?

Stay warm guys! I am freezing my butt off right now!!!!
If they hatched out of a blue egg they aren't hamburgs. they're probably ameraucanas
If they hatched out of a blue egg they aren't hamburgs. they're probably ameraucanas

You're probably right! They were given to me as "project" eggs. Maybe someone trying to create a Lavender Hamburg by breeding it to an Ameraucana? They're the calmest chicks I have ever seen. They don't even peep. VERY chill. They don't mind being picked up, wont' even protest. I might end up keeping them if I don't find a home for them within the next few days.
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Here's a picture of all of them. The two lavenders are the blue/black/gray looking two towards the bottom left and top center.

* I know the water dish is full of shavings. I swear I change it multiple times a day, and they just kick more shavings into it. I will be switching to a hanging waterer ASAP.

hi guys! I'm kind of worried about this bird flu outbreak. I live fairly south of cottage grove and maybe I'm just paranoid but it seems that wild birds have been around my chickens more often. and tonight when I went to do my chicken chores and i found a dead bird right outside the run! it looked like it had been killed by something (please i hope a chicken didn't kill it) lots of feathers no blood. should I send this wild bird somewhere to be tested? what should I do with my chickens?
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Here's a picture of all of them. The two lavenders are the blue/black/gray looking two towards the bottom left and top center.

* I know the water dish is full of shavings. I swear I change it multiple times a day, and they just kick more shavings into it. I will be switching to a hanging waterer ASAP.

I love little baby chickies they are my favorite:) i have the same waterer and mine fills with savings even if i have it propped up
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