
Are any of you concerned about the amount of smoke in the air right now and the birds breathing it?
Yes a little. Yesterday I went out to feed them and none of them came for food. This is unusual. I looked around and finally found most of them sleeping in the bamboo. 30+ chickens peering out of the bamboo was pretty funny. As soon as the smoke cleared they came out and acted like they had been starved. So far today the smoke is not as bad. And they are all acting normal.
Are any of you concerned about the amount of smoke in the air right now and the birds breathing it? :(

Yes I was worried yesterday. Not sure what to do other than bring them in the house. Yesterday I was adding a roost to their coop and heard the girls talking behind me. They wanted back in the coop. Possibly because it was smokey but who knows!

They were so insistent, I put some treats on their new ladder and up they went for the first time!

Today the air isn't as bad. So hopefully the winds are beginning to shift.
We bought in our hen and her chicks on Saturday and let them out of the dog pen in the garage morning but the other chickens that stayed seem to be doing ok. The smoke is higher in the sky and it's hazy but we can see the sun.

As of this morning almost one million acres burned or burning in the NW. Worst fire conditions in almost a century and it's really not "fire season" yet.
That is horrible, the amount of fire you guys are having up north, and here I thought still being in SoCal the fires were bad this year. Hope all gets contained soon and everyone keeps safe. I will be moving up there in 11 days, makes me kinda nervous!
Hi there, I will be moving to Philomath in a few weeks (Yay!!!!) and can't wait to be able to have chickens again. I am just so happy to be moving to Oregon I been researching and trying to plan a proper coop that will be safe and accessible.Having never raised chickens in this part of the country, what do you guys do to deal with the dampness and rain? I was hoping to do deep litter in the coop and starting to think I may need to do sand in the run to keep it from getting muddy?

Also anyone in the area know what type of wildlife I need to protect the girls from? I am guessing the usual raccoons and hawks, and my friend who lives nearby says owls have been a problem. I would like to let them free range and use the run when not at home. Are they any specific problems with certain worms or other pests in the region that I should look out for?

Thanks for any input or ideas :) Its awesome to see a lot of members in the area!
we live in salem near the now close fairview, and we have an occasional cougar sighting!

Most of the predators here come out at night. As long as there are bushes or some other place to hid from hawks the main predators for free range urban chickens are dogs.
That is horrible, the amount of fire you guys are having up north, and here I thought still being in SoCal the fires were bad this year. Hope all gets contained soon and everyone keeps safe. I will be moving up there in 11 days, makes me kinda nervous!
I feel like jumping on my soap box and ranting about poor water use and archaic farming practices but lucky for everyone I am sneezing to much.

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