
I'm a little hesitant to say how much I spent because I really went overboard, using the best materials I could (a lot of pressure treated lumber, 8 vinyl windows, 1/2 inch hardware cloth around the entire run and 20 inches into the ground, Tyvec wrapping, T1-11 siding, vinyl flooring, cupola & weathervane, 3/4 inch plywood for subfloor, full electrical and plumbing, ADOR automatic chicken door, etc.) You get the point. There are a lot of people on BYC who build their coop as inexpensively as they can (kudos to them), but I wanted something that would last a long time, keep out any and all predators, and that would meet my wife's expectations. Also, a lot of the material was purchased for both the coop and the garden fencing/plumbing, so it's hard to tell exactly. I would guess that I have about $3,000 to $4,000 in materials and I performed almost all the labor myself (as you know from the description of the project, I had the vinyl flooring done by a professional because of a time constraint, but I did everything else myself). It'll take about 10 to 15 years to recoup the cost but we now have 24 chickens, we sell about 2/3 of the eggs (we find a lot of people who want to purchase free-range eggs) and we have plenty of eggs for our own family.

If you're looking for an inexpensive coop, this is not the one for you. However, it's been a labor of love and I'm confident that it adds value to the property if/when we sell the house. I'd be glad to answer any questions regarding the building process.
You did a fantastic job!!! I get the idea and this helps very much.....so thank you!! Your wife must be so very very happy, and very lucky You did a fantastic job!!
What does everybody think of forming a Meetup group where we can learn from each other, make new friends, share coop ideas, field trips, natural broody hen hatching, incubator hatching, keeping our flocks healthy and thriving, a place to buy or swap hatching eggs, etc? I'm in Yamhill Co. Where would be a good location? I'd like to hear your ideas! Good idea.....No? Yes?

I'd love to meet some chicken lovers that are fairly close by. I'm in Salem, retired, and willing to drive somewhere if need be.
I'm going to the Poultry Swap in Corvallis this Sunday if anyone wants to meet there. Send me a PM if interested.
I'll be going to the Poultry Swap on Saturday
Hey all you salemites, I'd love to start a group and would meet every other week or so and talk poultry. I'm the assistant meat manager at the west Salem Safeway, if any one wants to talk shop you can find me there most days.
Hey all you salemites, I'd love to start a group and would meet every other week or so and talk poultry. I'm the assistant meat manager at the west Salem Safeway, if any one wants to talk shop you can find me there most days.

Cool. I live off of Orchard Heights and am down that way often. I'll stop by next time and ask for you. Would you mind posting your first name? Doubtful that anyone would know you by Mr. Cascadia, right?

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