
Hey all you salemites, I'd love to start a group and would meet every other week or so and talk poultry. I'm the assistant meat manager at the west Salem Safeway, if any one wants to talk shop you can find me there most days.

Hey, Mr. Cascadia. Beginner girl and I are meeting up on Tuesday, the 13th, here in West Salem so she can meet my chickens. If you are working then, we thought we'd stop by and introduce ourselves. What do you say?
Hoping to come to the swap from Roseburg. Would love to meet Sarah Barrera of "Chicken Boots" fame...Facebook page and she now illustrates/writes childrens' books. We should wear BYC badges.
I started a new job this past week and missed all the chat on meeting up :( wasn't even sure I was going to be able to go today to the swap, but I did (OMG the leg bars and silkies were just so tempting to take home....if only I had the coop started!). Anyone get birds or animals? They had a couple really cute goats. I am hoping by spring I will have my land ready for chickens and goats, something to look forward to!
I enjoyed the swap and was also captivated by the cream legbars and silkies. I got lots of conflicting information about silkies from the breeders though.

It was disappointing to see some unhealthy hens with bare raw red skin. Some hens just looked unhealthy. I know some were mounting but feathers and eyes looked dull. So I will be cautious if I buy at a swap. But it would be great to avoid ordering more chicks than I want in the mail.
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I agree, some looked healthier than others. I did get the name and info for a very nice guy who breeds some healthy happy looking cream legbars, he had some olive eggers and marans too it looked. I will definitely be ordering from him when I get the coop built! I found it a great experience to actually talk to some of the breeders, you can tell the ones that are really in it for the birds, and working toward something, not just tossing some birds together to make money (ya some of those there too).

I have to say I was amazed by the size of the capons one person had in a pen...wow! Almost makes me want to learn to do it, almost.

I agree with one of the posters here (Corona-barb) suggested us wearing BYC badges, or a sticker to help ID our super secret chicken club members
I agree, some looked healthier than others. I did get the name and info for a very nice guy who breeds some healthy happy looking cream legbars, he had some olive eggers and marans too it looked.  I will definitely be ordering from him when I get the coop built!  I found it a great experience to actually talk to some of the breeders, you can tell the ones that are really in it for the birds, and working toward something, not just tossing some birds together to make money (ya some of those there too).

I have to say I was amazed by the size of the capons one person had in a pen...wow!  Almost makes me want to learn to do it, almost.

I agree with one of the posters here (Corona-barb) suggested us wearing BYC badges, or a sticker to help ID our super secret  chicken club members :frow

Wow. Saw the huge capons too. Hate this autocorrect. It kept changing capons to Capone.

Would you mind sharing the name of the breeder you liked? I wish I had spent more time there. I did like one breeder but her cream legbar eggs were very pale. Lighter than my EE eggs. It does seem like some of the breeders will not be at the Polk County swap. But I am not in a hurry...
Wow. Saw the huge capons too. Hate this autocorrect. It kept changing capons to Capone.

Would you mind sharing the name of the breeder you liked? I wish I had spent more time there. I did like one breeder but her cream legbar eggs were very pale. Lighter than my EE eggs. It does seem like some of the breeders will not be at the Polk County swap. But I am not in a hurry...
WBRUDER17 on BYC with Cluck N Chatter Ranch has some very nice Silkies that I've seen on her Facebook page. Like Cluck N Chatter ranch on Facebook to get a look. Her name is Wendy Bruder. She was at the Poultry Swap in Corvallis but I missed meeting her. I love the way her Silkies on FB look though! I'd love to see more of her birds myself.

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