
:)Cool!! I hope to come and meet some of you! I have been reading the BYC almost everday since I found it in March. I live in Newberg and have 6 hennies. 1 BA,1EE,1BO,1RI,2LBs. I raised almost 30 chicks in my bathtub.
.till they were big enough to go to my dads to live in a real chicken yard while my DH and I built our chicken yard and "Rosebud Manor" which is a greenhouse/chickenhouse and next year gets an eco-roof. I tell everyone who even likes chickens about the BYC. Nice to meet you all:D
RachaelC- mother of all
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Hi Everyone ~ I apologize if this is not the proper place to post this, but I wanted to "get local" with this situation, and I know there are several of you in my neighborhood (and BTW this is a cross-post, with the original in "Buy, Sell, Swap" ~ apologize for that one too)

Anyway, a friend of mine is in the sad position of having to downsize her flock, and she has 3 blue hens who are in need of a good home. This is horribly heartbreaking for her...she LOVES her chickens, and has even earned the nickname "The Chicken Witch" ~ she can work some magic on chickens (I've seen her do it to mine!)...

This is part of a note I got from her last night:

"I'm really sad and down about this, but the only thing to do is find good homes for Isadora, Margot, and Bette. I need to get all the birds into ONE coop/pen/run for the winter. I'm just running myself ragged and the flock is not healthy or productive at this point. I also must place my beloved Gypsy Rover right quick too, but I think I will try the local feed store and see if I can get him adopted out locally. He is very tame and gentle...Gypsy is too young and too large for this flock - he's breeding them into the ground. He needs at 12-15 hen flock of large breed hens to be in a balanced situation.

The girls are 2nd year birds - they were hatched out spring of 08. They were sold to me as Blue Andalusians, but I believe the clerk at Wilco was brain dead and gave me English Blues instead. The hens are smaller and more 'hard feathered' than the Andalusians I have seen. They lay incredibly large eggs for such small hens - the eggs are white - gorgeous clear white that brings out the depth of colors in the others in a good mix. The greens are greener and the terra cotta ones look outstanding next to this shade of pure white."


I wish that I could take them all, but I am not in a position to do that right now...I'd love to because then she could come visit her babies...

She sent a photo of one of the hens...she's gorgeous! I'm sure I could get other pictures from her if someone wanted to see them.


If anyone can give these girls a good home, please let me know so I can put you in touch with her...she lives in the hills of Sheridan (Rock Creek) and could most likely travel to McMinnville, Salem, Portland...

Thank you!
Good news ~ the blue hens have been adopted out to a BYC member; my friend is quite happy & relieved to know that they're going to a good home and will have lots of love and kids and other chicken buddies. Thanks to everyone who responded!
Hi, I'm in Redmond OR now, just moved here from Eureka CA. I love it! I have 2 mutt roosters here and just got my first BLRW, 2 cockerels today too. I am redoing the run on the property I rent and will be making a new coop on wheels to take with me. Sadly, I have left all 8 of my baby girls in Eureka and my friend that is caring for them will most likely be their new mom. I'm going to try to do the hatching egg thing this year. I want: Wyandottes (BLR, SL, GL), Brahmas (Light, Buff, Dark), Orphingtons (Buff, Blue, Black), Dominiques, Welsummers, Delawares, Suxxess, New Hampshire, EEers, Australops, and Barred Rocks, Oh and RIRs. Think that's enough?

Maybe I should have a chicken farm....
Hi ya'll, I live in Happy Valley!

I apologize this is not the correct place to post my question but I can not figure out how to start a new post...help.

Q: I have just started my backyard coop with two 10month old black australorps. I was told they came from the same batch of 25 chicks. And when I picked them up from their farm in Sandy they lived with about 50 other hens as well has alot of turkeys and geese. However, one is larger than the other. The larger one also picks on the smaller one. ie; pecks at her, causing her to sequel. You can see the fear the smaller one has, she will avoid or run and duck/scurry by the larger one. We have had them for about four days and have only had one egg. The egg was elongated with a thicker line running around the center of the shell. It was also a double yolk. Are they stressed from the move? As far as I have read for their age they should be laying almost an egg a day 24-36hours), each.

Any advise would be helpful. Thank you
Mine are about 22 weeks old and not all the same size, so the size difference you see may be normal. I would watch the little one to make sure she isn't suffering any injuries. Give her hiding places where she can see where the other one is and avoid her.

Then again, is it possible the larger one is actually a rooster?
I think a rooster would be pretty obvious at 10 months (tail etc) probably just pecking order stuff and with only one to pick-on the alpha is just asserting her superiority, but do watch and make sure she doesn't get too rough, I sometimes use one of my cat tools..."the enforcer" (read squirtgun) to keep some of my more aggressive girls and roos in their place... also yes, moving can disrupt their egg-laying until they get settled in. good luck.
Thanks to those who responded about my aggressive hen. The two have seemed to have worked out their differences.

However, I have now had these two for well over a month and only that one egg from the second day. They were 10 months when I brought them home. I give them everything a chicken could want: layer feed, oyster shell, plenty of kitchen and garden scraps and treats. What is the deal?
I'm in Roseburg, not too far away.

I live in South Salem and need some help with a sick chicken. Anybody live nearby that is very knowledgable and would let me bring my hen so you can give me some advice.


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