
About to lose my 1 chick to this illness. She came from the same hatchery, and just has not been as tough as the others. She spent today sneezing one and off and gasping, hasn't wanted to eat, and is not doing a good job regulating her temp. This was one of the chicks I actually went to this hatchery for, so now I'm ticked.

I'm scared to call them though, afraid I'll start crying or something
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No I didn't get off work until after 5pm. I'm going to call them in the morning tomorrow. I'm just so emotionally exhausted right now, ugh. I need to go to bed.

SHE MADE IT THROUGH THE NIGHT! And even better, she was EATING and zooming around the brooder with the banties PEEPING again (before she was so clogged up she couldn't peep normally). Hallelujah. I tried putting her with mom, but she just can't keep up with mom's determination to stay outside in the cold, wet, run so I put her back in the brooder.

This makes me hopeful that maybe I won't lose any to this stupid illness. I'm not keeping my hopes up, but so far the brooder babies are recovering and it seems to be passing through the first few of Molly's babies that got it. Fingers crossed!
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I understand that you spoke to them and they were friendly but if the testing was done in-house it doesn't necessarily prove anything. If you really think that your birds got GM from them or anyone else then you need to call the state and have them check it out. They or whomever could potentially be infecting TONS of other stock.

I agree with this 100%. I edited my posts to remove what you said, BUT how exactly did they "analyse" your birds? I would be extremely suspicious. Maybe contact the state and just ask them if anyone else has had a problem with them...
Re-stated for emphasis:

I am retracting my statement as I spoke to the hatchery and they've been thoroughly inspected and had no other issues in that hatch, previous hatches, or hatches after mine. I kind of jumped to conclusions trying to solve the mystery behind the illness and pointed fingers before I had had any birds analyzed. These people are very reasonable and apparently are cleaner than most of the other birds you can get around here! Obviously my "protect my babies" instinct came in a little too strong (which happens frequently, actually, lol) and I just put the puzzle together before I had all the right pieces.

Sooo yes. I'm apologizing and hoping my stupid little backyard flock doesn't dissuade anyone from giving them a try. They're fantastically friendly people and don't deserve to be punished for my "put the cart before the horse" behavior.

This is for real folks. I talked to my feed store after getting off the phone with a Farwest Hatchery representative and apparently there's been something "going around". So I could have brought it home when I picked up some feed, bedding, ANYTHING. They gave me the number of problems they've had and stated there had been no issues beforehand, so yeah.

I should also add that everything was based purely on opinion with no malicious intent. Heck, I'm only a little backyard keeper who's had birds for less than a year!

But yes, I will be contacting about the illness, but to Washington because the feed store is in WA.
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Fellow members,

Farwest Hatchery has spoken with hokankai today regarding her alleged outbreak of Mycoplasma Gallisepticum, also known as MG or CRD for chronic respiratory disease.
There are facts that need to be clarified:

1. The diagnosis of MG was made by hokankai and has NOT been verified by a licensed professional.
2. During my phone conversation with hokankai, she told me she had also bought chicks from a Vancouver feed store just prior to receiving our 3 chicks – so there was more than just feed and bedding purchased at her feed store.
3. Hokankai also stated she didn’t put her chicks in a brooder, she placed them under a hen in a barn.
4. It is unclear from hokankai’s post, but it was her feed store that stated that there has been something going around with their chicks.
5. Farwest Hatchery has NOT supplied any chicks to the feed store in Vancouver.

The Farwest Hatchery flock has been in place since June 2010 with no new birds introduced. We are a member of the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP #OR-312) and are inspected which includes blood draws and testing. To date, we have been disease free. We employ strict bio-security measures, and do not allow any entry to the hatchery or breeder barn area except by employees who take measures to prevent any cross contamination by either clothing or shoes. Our incubators and hatchers are cleaned and disinfected with each hatch. We have sold thousands of chicks, and with the exception of an occasional rooster for a hen or misplaced order, we have not experienced any health concerns.

In yet another post, hokankai states Farwest Hatchery will be having a display and hatching chicks at the 2011 Oregon State Fair which is an accurate statement. She however further warns visitors to stay away as our chicks are infected. This is a totally unfounded statement and is viewed as yet another libel.

On a positive note, yes, Farwest Hatchery is going to have a great display for the State Fair. You will want to come see us in the Jackman-Long building. We’ll have chicks hatching daily and a give away at the end of the day. See you there!

Office Manager
Farwest Hatchery

PS If anyone ever has concerns about thier Farwest Hatchery chicks, don't hesistate to give us a call.
We will gladly answer questions or help with your concerns.

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