
Hey Portland Area chicken folk - Concentrates is selling 5-gal buckets of feed-grade unfiltered ACV. I mentioned that it was probably more cost effective than using my own Braggs, and she told me it is actually from Braggs.
My favorite is Union Mills, worth the drive and oh the new store is fine! They have a great mix they make up 5 way.....
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A friend of mine does and really likes it. It's also available at Pistil's. The only problem is it's so expensive...

What's in the Union Mills 5-way mix? and how much for 50 lbs? I go out that way sometimes...

Hmmm, they definitely don't weigh 60 lbs. Maybe 12 lbs? The small size means if they are standing on them, their bums hang off the edge. They are tall enough so that the birds don't kick too much onto them. I rarely get poop on them. They do have a little edge on the bottom meant for stacking, but I just push them into the ground to even them out. In the rain and muck, I can tip toe to the coops and collect eggs in my slippers. I go through the window! Rarely use the gates. LOL.

Here's a better picture of them, the one under the window is probably a 60lb one....

Well, you inspired me. I got a bunch of urbanite stepping stones today (and a little workout loading and unloading them haha).

I hope Nando stays quiet for you. You can always check with Pete who's at the Urban Farm Store on weekends - he often takes in roosters, even if you didn't get them there, and has a no kill policy...after all that, though, I'd want to keep him.

Hope the stones work for you. They do for me. I will keep Nando as long as he behaves himself! For all my hard work, he wants nothing to do with me!
Hi folks, I am in search of a quality silkie breeder but dont tell my husband. I want to make sure they are in good form because my daughter will use them for 4-H. I heard the other day there was a breeder in the portland/vancouver area.
You want Kelar on here, her name is Karen. Or Marge Best is in Oregon City. Or Ultasol on here is Jennifer up in Washington, she'll be at the Stevenson show next month, actually they probably all will be.
Oh poo, that's right. Sorry. If you can make contact with one of them and prearrange payment, I can bring birds home for you from the show...especially if they are from Ultasol, as she is not super local.

Are you on FB? If so, look up Marge Best on there, she has some super nice Silkies.
Yes Im on FB. Ive posted a few times on your page lol. I sent ultasol a pm. I may try to make the show but will be heavily medicated if so hahaha. My kids want to go badly.

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