

And thanks to all for the sympathy &hugs regarding Jenny. She's been a staple in our yard, people always ask "where's Jenny" when they come over if she's wandering out back & not immediately seen. Not having her around is going to take some adjusting...

Awww I remember Jenny
She was a sweetie

She sure was. We will spread her ashes around her favorite places in the yard.
Last call for the Nando. My sweet little dude is still looking for the perfect home. Oh, I know I'm just dreaming that he could occupy a warm little spot in a nice coop and free range in a run or outdoors all day, but why not shoot for the moon right? Here is is this morning. He's in a real crowing mood this week, his legs are red, I'm assuming he's overrun with hormones at the moment, but I can't keep him in the urban neighborhood if he's going to crow so much!
Here he is, if you don't know about him, read the attached thread below. Thanks for considering him, I can drive him to you today.

He's a color explosion!



*ZooMumzy, I'm still considering your gracious offer as well, thanks!)
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Hey guys, just checking to see if anyone in Central Oregon has any dark brown or olive egger layers available. Breeder culls are fine, just wanting to add some diversity to the egg basket. Might also be tempted by a couple more EEs or Ameraucanas, and possibly even a cockeral/rooster so I can make my own little OEs in the future...
I don't have any layers available at the moment, but if you are interested I do have a little Wheaten Marans cockerel in need of a home. He would add a very dark brown egg gene to any breedings you did with him. Breed him to EE hens and you would get very dark olive eggers. Just a thought. He is very young still, just a baby really.....just thought I'd mention him.
Just thought I would also mention that I also have 2 polish roosters in need of homes. Both of these boys are very special, but I have too many roosters at the moment. They are both just over 5 months old. One Buff Laced named Rasta and a Gold Laced named Ziggy. I will be listing them in the auction section soon, and later on Craigslist. But if anyone wants a cool looking guy with a real mellow attitude to add to their flock just let me know. Rasta, the buff laced, proved himself to have a super disposition when I took him to the Oregon Poultry Swap over the weekend. He spent most of the time out of his cage meeting everyone who came by. He let children pet him, posed for pictures and even let a very small baby grab/pull his head feathers without flinching. I was very impressed with him. I wish I could keep him, and will if I can't find him a good home, but I have no plans to breed Buff Laced Polish next year.... Anyway, just letting everyone know these two boys are looking for good homes.

Here is Ziggy....the gold laced.

Here is my boy Rasta, the buff laced.

Those are the handsomest boys! I'm sure those characters will find new homes, especially with those temperments. No boys in our wee flock, but gosh all these pics are so fun! Makes me wish I'd searched around for more chickie types! Our ladies lack the flashy feathery Pazaazz but will hopefully make up for it with lots of eggies!
I don't have any layers available at the moment, but if you are interested I do have a little Wheaten Marans cockerel in need of a home. He would add a very dark brown egg gene to any breedings you did with him. Breed him to EE hens and you would get very dark olive eggers. Just a thought. He is very young still, just a baby really.....just thought I'd mention him.

Went to your FB page and he's adorable, of course. Definitely interested but let me see what else I can turn up, would prefer integrating a little group if at all possible. I'll PM you my info.
I don't have any layers available at the moment, but if you are interested I do have a little Wheaten Marans cockerel in need of a home. He would add a very dark brown egg gene to any breedings you did with him. Breed him to EE hens and you would get very dark olive eggers. Just a thought. He is very young still, just a baby really.....just thought I'd mention him.

Went to your FB page and he's adorable, of course. Definitely interested but let me see what else I can turn up, would prefer integrating a little group if at all possible. I'll PM you my info.

Yes, he is adorable.
Just let me know if you decide you want him. I agree, it's usually easier to introduce a group of new birds rather than one at a time.

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