
There's an ad on Craigslist, someone in Prineville looking for a polish rooster and two polish hens... you might be able to fulfill the rooster request. http://bend.craigslist.org/grd/2672782454.html

Thanks. I'll check it out.
Ducks need a ride to from Oregon to Washington.

I'm hoping that someone plans to be going from Central Oregon to Eastern Washington and could carry a pair of ducks.

Granny Carol (you all know her from BYC) and I have decided that a pair of my Appleyards should migrate from my house to her house to give her some new bloodlines.

I'm near Redmond/ Terrebonne, she says anywhere near the TriCities would be perfect (Richland, Pasco, Kennewick) and she could go to Hermiston too.

Sending them through the mail is out of the question. There is too much risk.

Nice mannered tame ducks. No panic or hysteria.

Thank you,
Oregon Blues
A question for my Willamette Valley neighbors: Dare I keep hoping that my 5 and a half month old chickies will lay an egg before winter comes? They free range during the day, sleep in the coop/run. Pellets and water are in their run. We've been turning a 60 watt lightbulb on for them each (dark) morning and every (dark) evening in hopes of tricking them into enjoying a longer day. Should we move the light to their coop rather than the run? I thought they'd nibble on food if that area was lit but they march past and up into their coop so I'm obviously not fooling anybody! We got these ladies very late in the Spring and even though I optimistically peek every morning (is this the day??!!) I'm starting to fear they'll wait until next year to lay and I don't know if I can wait!
Still thrilled with them though, I had no idea chickens could be so entertaining and full of personality! And oh my the compost bin has never been so productive!!
Great question! I have some very large fluffy Australorps, 1 Buff Orpington, 3 Rhode Island Red/Speckled Sussex crosses. It sounds like I can keep my hopes up for some eggies! < happy dance! >
What that old expression You cant have the wine before its the time or something like that "Burl Ives" However they may go into their molt before they lay eggs and that sometimes holds things up a bit too.
Does anybody have Blue Jersey Giants hatching eggs, chicks, juveniles, adults or breeder groups that they are selling? My mom and I fell in love with Jersey Giants at the show this fall and we are having a hard time finding any. Big Blue chickens

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