
Yay Chicks! :

We have a place here where they'd be safe. Five and half acres, and a boggy pond area we are going to relegate into a full pond in the spring. I have to check with my Mum, to get her take. Only issue would be catching them and getting them here. We are about an hour and a half away in Colton. But my Mum works in Hillsboro, so it's not the distance. May need to ask the folks on the Geese thread, on how to catch a Goose and safely transport it.

Will get back to you, let me just check with my Mum.

Good on ya' for worrying about them like that, and being proactive in trying to get them safe.


Someone on the Geese thread offered to give tips on catching them. If this is something you are able to do, I will have to get back to the Friends of Fernhill Wetlands guy to confirm whether there are any official requirements we have to satisfy or documentation, etc.
Thanks. Let me know what your mum says.​

Okay. My Mum says we can do it. Just need to figure a plan for catch and transport. Have some ideas already. Please go ahead & contact the folks at Friends of Fernhill Wetlands & let me know what the next thing you/they need from my end is. Thank you so much!
Someone on the Geese thread offered to give tips on catching them. If this is something you are able to do, I will have to get back to the Friends of Fernhill Wetlands guy to confirm whether there are any official requirements we have to satisfy or documentation, etc.
Thanks. Let me know what your mum says.

Okay. My Mum says we can do it. Just need to figure a plan for catch and transport. Have some ideas already. Please go ahead & contact the folks at Friends of Fernhill Wetlands & let me know what the next thing you/they need from my end is. Thank you so much!

I'm assuming that you are a minor? In that case, I'll probably need your mum's name and number so that I can confirm with her and pass along her name to the contact at F of F. You could PM it to me, if that is okay with her.
And just to double check, they're being given refuge, not a place on the dinner plate?
Yay Chicks! :

Okay. My Mum says we can do it. Just need to figure a plan for catch and transport. Have some ideas already. Please go ahead & contact the folks at Friends of Fernhill Wetlands & let me know what the next thing you/they need from my end is. Thank you so much!

I'm assuming that you are a minor? In that case, I'll probably need your mum's name and number so that I can confirm with her and pass along her name to the contact at F of F. You could PM it to me, if that is okay with her.
And just to double check, they're being given refuge, not a place on the dinner plate?

No, not a minor! Oh, thank you for that laugh!
I'm 31! But my Mum and I run the ranch/farm together, so didn't want to add to her work load/financial responsibility to, without permission. Ha ha ha!

I was a vegan for years, before an allergy to wheat/soy/dairy was diagnosed last year and made it insanely difficult to find alternative food sources. ALL the animals on the farm are like my kids. Don't eat them/won't ever eat them!!! They'll be spoiled rotten, that I can promise! So, no worries on that count. Will email/PM you my and/or my Mother's contact info if you would like.
I'm assuming that you are a minor? In that case, I'll probably need your mum's name and number so that I can confirm with her and pass along her name to the contact at F of F. You could PM it to me, if that is okay with her.
And just to double check, they're being given refuge, not a place on the dinner plate?

No, not a minor! Oh, thank you for that laugh!
I'm 31! But my Mum and I run the ranch/farm together, so didn't want to add to her work load/financial responsibility to, without permission. Ha ha ha!

I was a vegan for years, before an allergy to wheat/soy/dairy was diagnosed last year and made it insanely difficult to find alternative food sources. ALL the animals on the farm are like my kids. Don't eat them/won't ever eat them!!! They'll be spoiled rotten, that I can promise! So, no worries on that count. Will email/PM you my and/or my Mother's contact info if you would like.

Hah! That would be great. Thanks. I also replied to you on the Geese thread.
Yay Chicks! :

No, not a minor! Oh, thank you for that laugh!
I'm 31! But my Mum and I run the ranch/farm together, so didn't want to add to her work load/financial responsibility to, without permission. Ha ha ha!

I was a vegan for years, before an allergy to wheat/soy/dairy was diagnosed last year and made it insanely difficult to find alternative food sources. ALL the animals on the farm are like my kids. Don't eat them/won't ever eat them!!! They'll be spoiled rotten, that I can promise! So, no worries on that count. Will email/PM you my and/or my Mother's contact info if you would like.

Hah! That would be great. Thanks. I also replied to you on the Geese thread.​

PM'd you the info. It IS a good idea for the guy (or a bunch of folks) from F & F to be there. So it's not questioned, and also because we might need the people power.
Will be interesting to corral and capture Geese.
Geese - if these are pretty tame, they should be easy to capture if you take it slow. With mine, we talk to them, and walk slowly, get them into a "CORNER" and then catch. You will need to find some kind of corner though. Maybe back two vehicles at an angle, so they can be herded into it.

Keep it SLOW!
Hah! That would be great. Thanks. I also replied to you on the Geese thread.

PM'd you the info. It IS a good idea for the guy (or a bunch of folks) from F & F to be there. So it's not questioned, and also because we might need the people power.
Will be interesting to corral and capture Geese.

Plus an extra person to capture it on video!!
Yay Chicks! :

That's a good idea. We would have to create an artificial corner, for sure. I'm thinking that food will be helpful as well.

Food "MAY" help, or not. Chinese geese can be a bit um, well, they aren't usually calm birds. If they have been together for a while, it might be easier to catch the girls first, the males will want to stay with them, and MAY (possibly) be easier to catch.

Good luck
Yay Chicks! :

PM'd you the info. It IS a good idea for the guy (or a bunch of folks) from F & F to be there. So it's not questioned, and also because we might need the people power.
Will be interesting to corral and capture Geese.

Plus an extra person to capture it on video!!

Yeah, we may be able to make a mint on America's Funniest Home Videos!

Someone on the Geese forum recommended a dog (x-panel) pen to corral them with and large dog carriers to bring them home in. Anybody got any loaner's they'd be willing to share. They can be pretty pricey. Don't know that all fitting in my SUV either. Oh, boy!

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