
This is so cool that this is all working out!!

I have 2 x-pens I could loan for the endeavor (though someone would have to come get them), and where they are at, is it a possibility to go catch them at night?? Or do they sleep on the water?
That was amazing. Yesterday at 8:00 pm a post needing help, and by 4:02 today the who, what, where and how has pretty much been accomplished. I wish I could help, but I'm down by Grants Pass, a tad too far south I'm afraid. Keep up the posts, and be sure to post that "video". Wishing you the best!
Well, if it wasn't the Holiday Season, I'd say, "What the heck, come on up and we'll make a day of it!" Ha ha!
We could hang out, share stories and a great meal, etc. Make it a OR ~ BYC get together/party!

You can be sure, we'll keep everyone updated!
Well, if it wasn't the Holiday Season, I'd say, "What the heck, come on up and we'll make a day of it!" Ha ha!
We could hang out, share stories and a great meal, etc. Make it a OR ~ BYC get together/party!

You can be sure, we'll keep everyone updated!

Well, if it doesn't get done until next week I'm in, but at the rate this is going, they will probably all be rounded up, moved and tucked into their nice new bed/pond by Wednesday or Thursday at the latest. LOL Have to work tomorrow & Wednesday, and having dinner on Sunday, so better clean house and see if I can find the dining room table under the "stuff". The roundup sounds like a blast, though! Anyone know how to rope?

Okay all, it's a GO!!! Rescue date is going to be Thursday or Friday (early, so we can beat the dark) afternoon! Whatever works best for all volunteers! But we could use some more people power, and also a truck if anyone has one available (still hoping for the loan of some large dog carriers, as well)!!!

So, if anyone wants to come out and help us rescue (corral and pen) these beautiful Geese, so we can bring them to their new, safe and loving home for Christmas; we would greatly appreciate it! They are located at the Fernhill Wetlands in Forest Grove, and will be coming home to my farm in Colton.

Big group hug, for all the positive energy that got this accomplished!

Thank you & Hope you can come join the "fun",

Just to piggy back on Kitty's request for help...

This should be a fun adventure.
We are scheduling this for early Friday afternoon. Please let us know if you will be in the area and would like to be part of the action. Your presence and willingness to walk slowly toward a flock of geese is all that is required.

We also need the loan of two extra large dog crates. The wire kind are preferred. Or, if you've got a truck and always wanted to drive from Forest Grove to Colton, that would be great as well. In lieu of dog crates, someone suggested a horse trailer.

Let either one, or both of us know if you can help out. We are in touch with each other daily.

Thanks for considering this.

Update on geese: I went out yesterday and fed them some chicken feed and whole grain bread. I'll do out again today and tomorrow to give them something.
Yay Chicks! :

Just to piggy back on Kitty's request for help...

This should be a fun adventure.
We are scheduling this for early Friday afternoon. Please let us know if you will be in the area and would like to be part of the action. Your presence and willingness to walk slowly toward a flock of geese is all that is required.

We also need the loan of two extra large dog crates. The wire kind are preferred. Or, if you've got a truck and always wanted to drive from Forest Grove to Colton, that would be great as well. In lieu of dog crates, someone suggested a horse trailer.

Let either one, or both of us know if you can help out. We are in touch with each other daily.

Thanks for considering this.

Update on geese: I went out yesterday and fed them some chicken feed and whole grain bread. I'll do out again today and tomorrow to give them something.

ALSO maybe just an enclosed trailer. I have a 6x12 Interstate that would be great for this BUT Iamway too far but maybe sombody else has similar. Good luck.​

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