
Yay Chicks! :

Okay, so today I got some new jammie bottoms, polar bears on a blue background. I tried them on right away and I'm modeling them in the living room, while still wearing the black velvet top and red scarf that I had worn to church that morning, when my partner says, "Honey, there's a llama running down the street." Now, that took a moment to register, as this is a residential street and there are no llamas any where near my neighborhood. So, I take off outside, still in my unique outfit, slip on shoes and without tying the shoelaces, head down the street, yelling over my shoulder to my partner, "Call 911 and grab some chicken feed."
Long story short, the llama had come from a ways off, and across a busy highway to get to my neighborhood. Neighbors came out, a couple of people with truck and two cop cars, and with the advice of a couple of Alpaca farmers that had been following the llama since the highway, we managed to corral it. Another neighbor let us lead it into her backyard, and she tied a horse halter out of rope (nice skill to have).
The owners were found and it all has a happy ending.
Considering the general uptick in size of the recent animal rescues (geese to llama) I am feeling a little trepidatious about what might come along next!

Ha ha ha ha! I can so picture that! I would be worried about that to! What's next?!?! Elephants?!

Great job on the catch and rescue today!
Cheers to you, my friend!​
Yum. Leftover cheesecake for breakfast this morning.

I got a meat grinder for Christmas. Or rather, the "household" got a meat grinder for Christmas. We have a rule that presents must be small and it was way over the price ceiling. My son got around that legal issue by giving it to "the household" and not to me.

I've started experimenting with making sausage and had been looking at how to make a homemade sausage stuffer. Grinders and stuffers are expensive, so I didn't plan on buying them. I was going to make do.

So, soon I will be in a sausage making frenzy.

To make this poultry related so that it is appropriate for BYC, I hope to make goose sausage, duck sausage, and home raised chicken sausage. I've already been using the duck fat to make sausage out of ground elk. For Christmas breakfast, I served a fresh sage ginger sausage made of elk with goose fat and steamed in links. Very nice, and you can't buy that in stores.
I'm new to the forums. Live smack dab on the Washington Oregon border just off I-5.

I'm a born and raised university educated Rancher's daughter. As a grown woman, we have a small not-for-profit Zoological Wildlife Conservation Center right in the middle of our ranch. The farm portion of our ranch is most aimed at the "Farm Animal Petting Zoo." We love our poultry and fowl over here!

I teach Ed-Zoo-cation Station programs through our zoo as well as through our areal Parks and Recreation Departments which give kids the chance to meet and work with not only endangered species Zoo animals, but mini farm animals as well. We even offer a "backyard farmer" program to *kids* of all ages. Another offering we have is for city kids that cannot raise chickens at home to hatch, raise, and prepare them for show at the local fair right here on our farm (it also relieves the parents of the extra duties of providing for the chicken during the week :)

As far as chickens go, I have a soft spot for Cochins, Silkies and Orpingtons as breeds with a new found lust for Showgirls. My favorite colors are harvest orange birds, flashy Mille Fleur, anything laced and double laced -- I'm usually drawn to the bold or just plain weird non-show-quality colors for some reason :)

I have a pet house-chicken, diapers and all, as well as a house-pet Sebastapol Goose (again, diapered), and 2 spoiled Hyacinth Macaws as well as a number of outdoor chickens, ducks, turkeys, pheasant.

I would love to make contact with people in the PacNW with show quality stock that sell bantam Cochin, Silkie, Showgirl hatching eggs for our class projects.

Zoological Wildlife Conservation Center

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