
Wow! That sounds really awesome Kelliee! Great indeed to meet you! And welcome to the Forum!
Ahhhh shucks you all. What a welcoming group of people.

EVERYBODY is welcome at our place :)

I tell parents when their kids complain of being bored over summer break that we have plenty of poop that needs to be scooped (*LOL*) and if the kids are naughty, don't put them in the corner - *sentence* them to turn the zoo compost pile 0.o

Currently I am working on ideas to get Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts to set up programs here at the zoo. I'd love to get the Girl Scouts to sew some chicken diapers and sell them through our programs. Fun stuff.

We are also working on putting together programs just for pet critters. Things like "The Great Guinea Pig Wash" or "Bunny Bath." Programs that will make it fun to learn how to take care of pets and keep the kids interested in those pets, or get them re-interested in their current pet.

If anybody has any bright ideas, of any way shape or form PLEASE drop them my way. I'm always trying to think up new things to get people involved with agriculture, animals and nature -- and I go brain dead on a regular basis.

Your site is incredible! Wow!
I sent you an email and am definatly taking a family member with me to go to your zoo! Its incredible and I have never seen up close some of the exotic animals you offer to pet and get so close too!
from Ethel WA that is. Wow I had no Idea there was anything like this so close. DW would love this. See before she had the stroke she was quite the wizzard about animals. While she still really likes animals most of the knowledge she had is gone.
Is there anyone in Oregon who breeds and sells Jersey Giants, Barnevelders, Light/Corornation Sussex, or BBS Bantam Plymouth Rocks. I'm looking for good quality SQ stock. I'll ask on the WA tread as well, but I'm asking locally so Ivan just do an easy pick-up.
PM me or Email me, thanks

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