
Kinda off topic, but not to far off. Any one have any recomendations on ducks? For all the help my daughter gave me during our county fair I would like to get her one. Problem is hubby is a light sleeper and we currently have 4 roos. Looking for something that doesn't start at 4:30. She was looking at Butterscotch calls but of they are noisy I don't think they would work.
I have a pair of Australian Spotted Ducks and I LOVE them!! They are so attached to me, and people in general, you can't hear the boy duck much at all, and the girl duck only quacks once in a while and not very loud. They are really clean, not too big, just perfect.
All the people I have talked to said you have to keep them in pairs to avoid cannabalism.  One male and one female.  I have to admit, still tempting such beautiful birds.  Maybe ducks instead though, lol.

Just letting you know I think Tonya has ducks she wants to find new homes for you might want to ask her about it. I can't remember what kind they are and now I can't find that email. I'll look again.
Bought four pheasants at the local feed store...flighty little boogers...moved them outside to an enclosed 4x8 cage...luckily got two pair...they killed one of the females...we live outside city limits, but wouldn't do it again!

Zanna, how old is DH? My Dad (70) and MIL (75) both had their knees done (one knee each) and both complain big time about it now.

One thing your DH needs to be very careful of is when he has dental work done...be sure to take the antibiotics! Dad didn't and we almost lost him due to infection in the new knee.

DH just turned 50 this year, they say he should have good working knees for 20 years after the surgery and now is when he needs them! Your experience with your family is one of the few bad experiences we have heard about. Regardless, he can not live on vicadin and be trying to function the way he is now so it is what it is :( We had the class joint replacement class yesterday and were told antibiotics after any dental work forevermore.............

Hey, how are those Orp. crosses you got from me at the Spring Swap? I hope more turned out to be girls than you thought. Would love to see a pic. if you have any!
Kinda off topic, but not to far off. Any one have any recomendations on ducks? For all the help my daughter gave me during our county fair I would like to get her one. Problem is hubby is a light sleeper and we currently have 4 roos. Looking for something that doesn't start at 4:30. She was looking at Butterscotch calls but of they are noisy I don't think they would work.

The only time my Blue Swedish make noise is when they think food is coming. I keep them in a night run and don't let them out until 9 AM. That way eggs are laid inside and there is no duck noise top bother the neighbors until 9 AM. That's the only time they are loud, when they see me coming to let them out, and it stops the second I open their gate and let them out. The rest of the day, their noise is just a low chatter.

A warning though; hatchery Blue Swedish might not have nice temperaments. I had some and they were dubbed "The Nut Jobs". I was never so glad to see the end of a duck.

If your daughter wants small ducks, look at Australian Spotted and East Indies. Very beautiful, both of those, and small.
I like pheasants a lot, but they require specialized housing. The pens are expensive to make.

You can't raise pheasants like they are chickens, because they are not chickens. They are wild animals and need to be handled and housed like they are wild animals.
DH just turned 50 this year, they say he should have good working knees for 20 years after the surgery and now is when he needs them! Your experience with your family is one of the few bad experiences we have heard about. Regardless, he can not live on vicadin and be trying to function the way he is now so it is what it is :( We had the class joint replacement class yesterday and were told antibiotics after any dental work forevermore.............

Hey, how are those Orp. crosses you got from me at the Spring Swap? I hope more turned out to be girls than you thought. Would love to see a pic. if you have any!
I hope the surgery goes well ! My son messed up his knee racing motocross, he had an ACL done. The Dr. wants to do more but it is kind of experimental and we aren't too eager! Where are you going? His surgery was at OHSU.
Awwwwwwww! Isn't it nice to have some warm weather for the little guys to go explore? I love the whole blended family thing!
Yes, it is so lovely out, for them.
I do, too! I was a little concerned about the whites. She had no idea what to make of them, but they peeped and scratched, and she finally figured they were just chicks, and scootched them right up under her.
The amazing part was how those chicks took to having a Mum! They had never seens a hen in their short lil lives (hatchery, incubator chicks) but they now follow her every command, and it is like she has had them from the egg!
i think i got a broody hen how do i know for sure if she is broody or not shes been in the nesting box since this morning and i have given her a couple of eggs and she moves them under her she is a barred rock and she almost five month old what do you think is she broody or not

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