
My husband is a builder by trade, you would think I have a gorgeous chicken coop instead it is scrap pieces he had lying around and some tin. I have siding and window and doors by the truck load here. I guess after building all day he just hates to come home and do it! One day I am going to hire someone, lol.
Just like the saying goes...The plumber's wife's sink always leaks!
My husband is a builder by trade, you would think I have a gorgeous chicken coop instead it is scrap pieces he had lying around and some tin. I have siding and window and doors by the truck load here. I guess after building all day he just hates to come home and do it! One day I am going to hire someone, lol.

My ex-husband was a carpenter and the whole house was a perpetual construction zone with projects started but never finished.

However, to be fair and not make it seem like we are picking on the guys, I did bookkeeping and HATED to do my own bookkeeping. I did it for 10 hours a day, five or six days a week, at work so the last thing I wanted to do, on my precious few leisure hours, was to do bookkeeping.

One thing though that my first marriage taught me was to learn how to do the construction things myself. This way I wouldn't be continually ticked off at everything always being torn up and I didn't turn into a 'nag' for him to finish it.

Twenty-six years later, I still do what I can in my house. Without learning how to do it back then, I would not be able to do what I can now (yes, I am a 'glass-half-full' kind of person

Sheila :)
Just like the saying goes...The plumber's wife's sink always leaks!
Yep and the mechanics wife car needs repair, hahahahaha. Tough thing is he grabs all the tools for work otherwise I think I might give it a try. My next thought is to buy a shed from home depot and then modify it. Which really I may do but admittedly my chickens are spoiled. Love them girls.....and guy!
I find it easier to do the building myself. DH is 6'3" I'm only 5'6"' if I let him do it all I could never reach anything. He also thinks you should be able to park a trunk on it. Granted it needs to be strong to keep the badies out but not that strong. If the bear wants in he would probably tear rhe side off like he has done on other coops.
My husband is a builder by trade, you would think I have a gorgeous chicken coop instead it is scrap pieces he had lying around and some tin. I have siding and window and doors by the truck load here. I guess after building all day he just hates to come home and do it! One day I am going to hire someone, lol.
Mine is made of scrap all but the hinges . I think its in coops under all scrap wood and i love it .
Your not too far from me just yell we can get busy and my other half is a master carpender . you could always show him and tell him Maybe ill hire that guy and i bet he gets on it LMAO

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