
They are mongrels with a varied mix of genes. Same if you breed a sex-link mix (*star, *link, etc) to sex-link mix. Nothing wrong with the chicks at all but will vary from each other as the inheritance proportions will be just luck =:~)

More control over traits with one parent being a set type (breed) like in the frankenchicken Corn-X's and such

ok you lost me there
She's saying that because sex links are a mix of 2 breeds, you can't say for sure which traits from which side of the bird's genes will get passed on to the offspring...

Good point, Karen, I hadn't thought of that...
mmmmm now it makes sense yeah to get the gsl you need a rhode island white roo and a rir hen to get the sex links
mmmmm now it makes sense yeah to get the gsl you need a rhode island white roo and a rir hen to get the sex links
I had started this note and hit a wrong key and maybe it got sent and maybe it is in cyberspace =:~)

There are quite a few ways to make a gold/red sex link with RIR to RIW being one of them. Do you know the sire and dam breeds used for yours? But regardless, if breeding within the same species (in this case 'chickens') you will get fertile offspring and not 'mules' so he will be a good little go-get-her... =:~)


ps for mules think of ducks-- muscovy is not same as the common mallard-based domestic duck breeds (call, saxony, etc) and has much longer incubation time,etc. They will cross breed but produce mules. Also with 'mules' the result is slightly different outcome based on which species is the sire or dam and therefore 'sex linked'....
I'm so excited for the poultry swap, cause that's when I'll be selling my show birds and getting my first batch of "Cuties".

Breeds lined up are Bantam fav., bantam naked neck, apenzeller spitshauben, and a little PQ cochin pullet.
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I've decided that no production meat bird will ever set foot on my farm again for many reasons: (I will state that these are facts I have learned that have turned me off from these birds and that I harbor no ill feelings toward those who raise production meat birds)

1. They are an unnatural bird created by man.

These birds will not occur in nature and are basically unachievable in breeding by the average chicken/turkey grower. There can be as many as 30 or more different generations crossed into a cornish cross/broad breasted and they were developed beyond what an average breeder will be able to breed to. These birds are bred using A.I. and only that. They can not be bred any other way. Just compare them to a regular 6 week old chicken. They are 1lb if they're lucky and these birds can be as much as 7lbs.

2. They develop many health problems not generally found in a regular chicken/turkey.

100%, or close to it, of birds that are found dead on their backs died of a heart attack. They have a rate of splayed legs and other leg problems that is far higher than the average chicken/turkey. In some strains of production turkeys they even have to walk through and flip the birds back over that get stuck on their backs, this is a daily occurance and is accepted as part of the breed. These birds are never healthy, there is no such thing as a healthy cornish cross/broad breasted.

3. They are not sustainable without human intervention.

These birds can not be bred without A.I. This means that a human has to collect the sperm from the males and inject it into the females and this is the only way to produce the next generation. These birds have been bred to be so fat that they can't mount the females. The only way to replace my birds each time is to purchase them from a hatchery every time I want to raise my own meat.

4. When I raise my own meat, I like to be proud of it.

I don't like to feel sorry for it or think about how much it costs to raise. They go through so much feed and poop much, they just disgust me. They can't even walk from one side of the pen to the other without having to stop and pant. They get so fat, they can't even preen their butts and they get poop stuck to them. They never have any form of healthy poop and always have soft poop. Their pens are impossible to keep clean unless cleaned like twice daily. And it seems like no matter what I do I have at least a 20-50% mortality rate. When it comes time to butcher them I am even more disgusted with them. They smell so bad on the inside and have so much fat in their bodies and on their organs that I just feel so bad for them.

My heritage birds, however:

1. can reproduce on their own

2. could potentially occur in nature

3. consume feed at a slower rate,

4. are able to live a long and healthy life

5. have the potential to produce eggs and chicks for as many as 6 years or longer

6. I can raise my own meat without having to purchase chicks/poults every time.

7. Not to mention, they just taste better. 8.I can actually be proud of the birds that I raised myself.

9. I can look at my birds and remark about how healthy they are.
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Hi guys....couple of questions.....I got a columbian hen to be friends wig my lil Fav cross.....she always has had runny rust colored poop. Does that mean she is sick or that I need to give her something? Her feathers back there are always dirty with dried poo ect.

Next question...lil Fav has mites....I've treated her 3 times now with poultry mite dust. Their coop is kept really clean and my other birds do not have mites.....why does she keep getting them or never gets rid of them? She likes to be held but the mites gross me out! Should I use DE?

Help! :)

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