
Hi guys....couple of questions.....I got a columbian hen to be friends wig my lil Fav cross.....she always has had runny rust colored poop. Does that mean she is sick or that I need to give her something? Her feathers back there are always dirty with dried poo ect.
Next question...lil Fav has mites....I've treated her 3 times now with poultry mite dust. Their coop is kept really clean and my other birds do not have mites.....why does she keep getting them or never gets rid of them? She likes to be held but the mites gross me out! Should I use DE?

When I had problem mites I treated with horse ivermectin paste. It got rid of them and it lasts about 5 months most of the time.

A pea sized glob given by mouth is all they need. Then give one 7 days later as a follow up dose.
Also, give her a bath (you can use a flea shampoo for dogs) to get rid of the mites that are on her now, then the Ivermectin should keep them off of her when the eggs hatch...

Also, on a side note, DE doesn't get rid of bugs once you've got a problem, it helps if you use it in nest boxes / dirt baths / bedding as a preventative... :)
I have been getting a new layer crumble that is alfalfa based and has no corn or soy. My chickens really like it, and now when I give them a handful of scratch, that is all the corn they are getting. Just FYI, because some people are worried about feeding too much corn.
I have been getting a new layer crumble that is alfalfa based and has no corn or soy. My chickens really like it, and now when I give them a handful of scratch, that is all the corn they are getting. Just FYI, because some people are worried about feeding too much corn.
I would be interested in the long term effects of large quantity of alfalfa. I know with horses, cows and goats etc lots of alfalfa has some very bad side effects.
Thanks guys....I'll let you know how bathing her goes, lol....luckily she is pretty tolerant. So I've read to put the ivermectin on her skin...should I give orally or put it on topically?

What about the other hen that has a dirty butt and runny poops? She eats good and shows no other sign of sickness...
I haven't gone to the Chicken and Poultry Swap, but I've always wanted to! Do you know when it is this year and where it will be held? Or better yet, do you have an web site address for the event? I would love to go look at more chickens-although my family might not appreciate it! I always seem to come home with another one!
Also, give her a bath (you can use a flea shampoo for dogs) to get rid of the mites that are on her now, then the Ivermectin should keep them off of her when the eggs hatch...

Also, on a side note, DE doesn't get rid of bugs once you've got a problem, it helps if you use it in nest boxes / dirt baths / bedding as a preventative...  :)

Where can I get ahold of DE locally?
I haven't gone to the Chicken and Poultry Swap, but I've always wanted to! Do you know when it is this year and where it will be held? Or better yet, do you have an web site address for the event? I would love to go look at more chickens-although my family might not appreciate it! I always seem to come home with another one!


Here's the link to the facebook page for the swap. All the info is there.

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