
Do u have Americanas???
shhhhh but fyi there's NO I in Ameraucana.
Originally Posted by Chicken Tamer

Do u have Americanas???
shhhhh but fyi there's NO I in Ameraucana.

That's how you spell "Easter egger" Ameraucana. I know folks get frustrated when they write and ask if I have any "americana" and I give the spiel about the difference and then ask which they prefer. Both are ligit... for different uses. I just really try to get them not to buy and then breed Americana (EE's) and then sell them as Ameraucana.

On this, we can start a thread on our own poultry pet peeve =:~) What a list that would be. I am sure I am guilty of many!
does anyone want to trade a cuckoo maran and a barred rock cockerel for anything im looking for a rhode island white roo or cockerel, a california what roo, or any kind of female bantams that you migth have
I have no clue if we even have truffles around here! 

We do! I've even been truffle hunting and found a fair number of truffles. It was so cool!

My dad LURVES pigs! He wanted us to start pigs this past spring, but we got so busy with the chickens it couldn't happen. Now one of our farm supervisors wants goats to help tend the property, but I'm pushing for pigs because I think they'd do a better job at what we want, Dad loves them, and ... BACON!

I wish we were ready to buy some pigs now. What a fun road trip that would be!

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