
I'm here for a minute, but I've got a TON to do outside today. I spent the last 2 entire days at the barn, so my chores at home have been sliding....
I'm so sorry....

I'm really feeling for you right now...I just received two boxes of shipped birds, and out of 11 birds, only one was alive when I opened the boxes....

I know this is older, I've been dealing with three sick dogs (one had to have a blood transfusion to save her life) and am catching up from posts in late Sept.

I am SO sorry to hear about your birds. I am on some Facebook Serama pages and I have heard the same thing from a number of Serama people. Thing is that these birds have been shipped to/from places with nice temps (not cold or hot) and still dead birds. One lady received three boxes, of pullets/cockerels and not a single live bird.

Does UPS or Fed-x not allow live shipping? The USPS is really making a mess of the job right now and these birds are not cheap!!

Sheila :)
Quote: Nope. USPS is the only option. There's a new FB group called "chicken train" where we are trying to get people from all over the US to sign on to transport birds short distances, to cut down on the need for USPS shipping. Thanks for the condolences. My one little survivor pullet is still doing well. :)

What's going on with your dogs?? With three of them sick, and one needing a transfusion...was it rat bait?? :( Hope they're doing better now!
....................What's going on with your dogs?? With three of them sick, and one needing a transfusion...was it rat bait?? :( Hope they're doing better now!

One has pneumonia (she has a genetic immune disorder (she is spayed)). She will be seven next month and has had pneumonia seven or eight times (her sire died at 8 years (young, for a Pom) and the breeder never said a word about his issue and bred him a LOT (don't get me started on people with zero ethics. I've been showing dogs since 1979 and have had to make the 'hard' call on the dogs that I have bought or bred and have no tolerance for people who do this kind of thing). The other one has an issue with the soft pallet and is getting better.

The one with the transfusion was a real shock as she has never been sick a day in her life. She could not have gotten into bait, unless a squirrel or a bird dropped it into the yard. It is a real mystery. Ton's of tests but no answer to the cause. Right now she is holding her own and it's a 'wait-and-see' thing now.

It's been a rough couple of weeks.......

Sheila :)
Hey I resemble that remark

I just LOVE this!!

Sheila :)
....... I took my 12 year old newfie for a walk, i have known for some time he is getting old and has the signs of a heart condition that effects newfies in their old age. he started coughing and panting a making a kind of whinny cry, Just kind of an emotional day.


Originally Posted by 1chicken fan

I need to take him in, the vets have kind of taken the well he is old when I have voiced concerns but it was not this bad either so we are going in on Monday, thanks for asking about him :) He is a great guy!

Hey Carolyn,

I hope that your vet put your Newfie on heart meds. Don't let ANYONE tell you that your 12 year old is 'too old' to do your best to keep him as healthy as you can. One of my Mals lived to be, just shy, of 16 years and that is unheard of in Mals (anything over 10 is a blessing). Your Newfie could live to be that old too.

If you are interested, a lot of dog shows have heart clinics (with Cardio Specialists). It cost $25 and is WELL worth it. You can't even walk through the door, of their practice, for under $60 - $100. If you are interested, PM me and I will look up what shows have heart clinics.

As an example, my vet said that one of my girls had a heart issue. I disagreed and said she had pneumonia. I got the antibiotics, for the pneumonia, and when she was better, took her to a heart clinic. Guess what?? Her heart was so good that the Cardiologist filled out her OFA (http://www.offa.org/ ) paperwork right then and made me copies of his findings to give to my vet. It's now in her chart so that the new vets stop saying she has a heart issue (when it's the lungs). It is such a pain to train up the new vets!!

Sheila :)

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