
Poor tree =(
Oh LOL I was like "what the HECK"?? had to go back and re-read the last post...
Poor tree =(

Well, it was dark and I didn't know if someone was possibly downrange if I shot in the area of the coyotes. Better to put a .22 into a tree than possibly hit something I didn't see. Just a responsible shooter I guess. And I have 2 acres of forest, lots of LARGE trees. Even have a resident owl in one. Glad my coop is protected from them. The only things that can get into the coop are going to have to dig in. And that will cause a comotion and send my LGD into action.
Down here we have it all.

We heard so many chicken horror stories before we even got our first chickens that the coops are built to exclude all but bears. Down here bears have learned it is easier to get in coops by ripping the siding off the coops, if it gets through our siding, it then has to get through the interior plywood also.

We have cougars-mointain lions also, not as common but they are here. I personally would rather run into a cougar than a bear. I know it should be the other way around but I can't stand bears or cows. Great uncle over-wintered rodeo stock when I was a kid, 45 years ago now, but I have seen some scarry tricks played by those bulls.

The foxes cruise through the front yard (1.5 acres) when the greyhound and the golden retreiver are out there. They raise babies in the neighbors forest of a yard. They are right outside our window guite often or in our back yard (1.25 acres) or out in the 20 acres directly behind us.

The neighbors dog loves to tree the racoon then bark at it all night. They also leave the cat food out all night.

I have a bigger problem with the skunks. They dig around the edges of the coops and leave me ankle busting holes. Not big or deep but in all the wrong places. We trenched around the coops and runs and buried welded wire, (down 16/18 inches and then out another 9/12 inches), so they can't get inside overnight and we would have time to mess with their digging efforts in the morning. We have buckets filled with rocks ready to dump in any holes they dig.

All the coops have composite roofs and rain gutters to try and deal with the seasonal downpours.

We used 1 x 2 welded wire the first time but the new coops will have 1 x 1 welded wire so I don't have to double fence for chicks.

It,s been 4 years and we haven't lost anything to wildlife yet, fingers crossed really tight.

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