Oreo Cookies, Lemonade, & Chocolate Brownie Orps

How does the mottling gene work? Do successive generations get more mottled? My black mottleds don't quite look like that. One Lav mottled is very mottled. Our blacks only have the mottling gene from the male side. Some of the lavs got it from both parents.
Mottling works similiar to lavender. It takes two copies to produce a fully mottled bird. My mottleds are probably not the same as yours. I decided not to use any mottled birds from the lavender project. I used Speckled Sussex to get the mottling for this line, crossed to black orps. After a couple generations, selected the most solid mottled birds (without signs of red) and bred them back to black orp again. The split mottled parents were showing great size, so I'm anxious to see how these fill in and of course, how the color turns out. I'll try to post updated pics as they feather in so we can see how it changes. From everything I have read and seen, mottling seems to have a mind of its own and varies quite a bit from bird to bird and line to line.
Thank for sharing more pics Jody. Is that one chick I see barred or mottled??
Ahhhh -- I took some pics of mine. I'll post them as soon as I load them into the computer. I LOVE the way yours are feathering! Mine look more white tipped than mottled.
Thanks everyone for your nice comments. Just sharing pics of the coloring and development progress on some of our projects. I am doubtful we'll have anything for sale any time soon, as they are projects and I intend to continue working on them until I am pleased with them.

Renee - would love to see pics of yours.

My little cocoa puffs (oh, was that chocolate brownies) are showing some really nice coloring starting to come in. Can't wait to get some updated pics of them to show what they are turning out to be. So cute!
Oh yes, we must see pics of the brownies.
I just put several of my next step of improvement "bantam" project brownies into lockdown this evening.
This is just soo much fun!!
Hey Jody, I have a question seeing that you have experience with mottled and this was a total surprise for me. My little buff mottled is looking awesome, she is really coming in with some gorgeous mottling. What do I take her back to in order to keep getting mottled??
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Hi HenThymes. The I added pics here of how the chocolately ones are feathering in. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=6238981#p6238981 Sorry for the confusion. Someone was asking questions on that thread, so I shared some pics. The colors are still changing, but they are turning out nice.

For your buff mottled, you would want to cross another buff mottled - or if you don't have that, I would cross it to buff to strengthen the buff coloring. The mottling will go recessive in that generation, so you won't see it so much. Cross the siblings to get it to come back out in the following generation.

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