Organic feed for Broilers


11 Years
Oct 1, 2008
Yorkshire, Ohio
Have any of you ever fed a batch of broilers an organic feed? Did they do well? Does the meat have a different taste?

I am thinking about doing a batch on organic next year, and these are some of the questions I was wondering about.

It doesn't seem worth it for the cost to me- I've had organic meat before, and I can't tell the difference. Certainly the difference isn't enough to justify the cost of the feed in my opinion. Natural, pasture raised, chemical free is "organic" enough for me!
Buying organic isn't about taste, flavor, texture, etc. It's about supporting farmers who refuse to use petrochemicals, etc. on their crops. Since 'natural' ways of raising crops don't have the same subsidy system that Dow, ConAgra, etc. get and they don't have the scale as a result it costs them more per lb. of food. My organic feed is almost 40% more per 50lb bag from the same mill, but I buy it anyway. I want the mill to know there is a market so they order more organic grains. The farmer then knows there is a market and keeps raising his crops without the aid of pesticide, chemicals, etc. The idea is eventually there will be a large and stable organic market.
Maybe... and until then you're paying 40% more for feed. And do studies support that it makes any difference at all in the meat, or are you just paying for the hope/possibility that organic grains are better?
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If your feed and pasture contains pesticide and herbicide residue, so does the meat from the animals that eat that feed. Same thing with antibiotics.

If the feed and pasture does not contain pesticide and herbicide residue, then the meat doesn't either.

You may or may not be able to taste the difference, but that doesn't mean there is no difference.

I can't afford organic feed myself. I wish I could, but I just don't have the money for it. My birds do free range on pasture that does NOT have herbicides or pesticides applied to it. And they get scraps from the organic garden.

So my birds/eggs are not organic, but they aren't saturated with pesticides, either. I don't dust them with sevin, or use medicated feed, either.

ETA: Yes, studies do support that there is a difference.
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If the organic milk market is any indication, there could be a more stable market for many organic products over traditional markets due to the lack of reliance on annual government subsidies, etc. The 40% increase in price basically represents the lack of subsidies. Most 'free market' types are appalled by the USDA's hand outs to large corporations.

As for taste, here is one anecdote: I raised a batch of non-organic birds last year and bartered them with a family for their eggs. This year I traded organic birds (they didn't know) and they commented how great the meat was this year.
That's what I wanted to hear. I had an inclination it would taste different. The organic feed I am considering has roasted soybeans and fish meal as the primary protein source. I would think that would have an impact, as roasted soybeans and fish meal have a different protein structure (much easier to digested). I think I am going to run a small batch of them next year, and see if I notice any difference. If my projections are correct, it would add about $3.50/bird.

Thanks Peruvian.
I dont know if they taste any differently but I use Natures Best Organic Broiler feed for my meaties and they taste delish!

I think the taste would not be really different but the bird would be considered organic and if that is important to you then it is worth the extra cost. I will say that the feed is super expensive.
My free-range birds taste a lot better than store bought birds, and even when I raised a some CX's, the taste was better. Same with my turkeys.

I said you may or may not taste the diff, because some say they can't. But I know I can.

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