Oriental noodles

ozark hen

Living My Dream
15 Years
Apr 4, 2007
Mansfield, MO
does anyone have a recipe for those awesome oriental noodles you find on the buffet of Chinese restaurants? Not the angel hair but the other noodles? I just love them and would be in heaven if I could make them at home for myself.
Silkie, they are flat and have onion and maybe some shredded carrot. Mild flavored. So sorry, I can't be more specific. Not sweet. I guess I am no help to you at all am I?
Hmm... maybe you can do a google search on Asian noodles and find a picture of what you were eating and see if you can't find an associated name and then recipe. I'm probably not much help to you either!

As for you leslie, I have no idea where your post came from on a thread on food and tonight is not the night for me to see something like that. To each their own, but you just got a big fat check mark on your name. For anyone who sees that, it is a GOOD example of how NOT to act and a great way to derail a thread. I don't share a belief in God, but I sure don't put it against anyone and their beliefs!
Thanks I will do that. so sorry I was so unspecific. I just know when I go into a Chinese restaurant...such as The Great Wall (don't know how widespread they are)it is the first thing I head for. ha I will do a search. thanks again.
Ok, now I remember, some cabbage. ha ha I don't recall any meat in them. thanks for lesson on the meaning of lo mein. ha I did find a simple recipe for them on cooks.com thanks so much.

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