Ornamental Layers McMurray


May 18, 2020
Fredericksburg VA
Considering ordering an all girl ornamental layers assortment of 15. Says it includes the Rarest of the Rare and the Top Hat Assortment. Just wondering if anyone else has purchased and if they were happy with the assortment. And the hatchery. It would be my first time using them.
please share photos of the chicks when they arrive😃. I've ordered some LF cochin from
McMurrays. They are due to ship in two weeks, and we are so excited to get them!
Considering ordering an all girl ornamental layers assortment of 15. Says it includes the Rarest of the Rare and the Top Hat Assortment. Just wondering if anyone else has purchased and if they were happy with the assortment. And the hatchery. It would be my first time using them.

ive heard great things about the hatchery. If your curious of what they include in that bundle, call to ask :)
The person I spoke with on the phone was very helpful. We recently received an order from them that didn't do so well during shipping, not the hatcheries fault. Called to let the hatchery know. They issued me a new invoice for my whole order to be reshipped next month and the few that survived the first shipment are free. It also looks like the free rare chick they sent me this time is a LF Black Cochin! Which is awesome since I have a few more Cochin chickens coming in a couple of weeks.
I just received 25 from them a week ago and they are doing great. They throw in a "mystery" chick and an extra one or two. I had one dead when I picked them up from the post office but I have 26 healthy chicks still. Good Luck with yours!!

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