Orp-Shaped Egg Basket

serrin- i'm sorry to say that i can't recommend a book for you to use to get started. pretty much everything i do is self-taught, though i got started in a sculpture class in college. my advice to you is to go to the hardware store and buy a roll of baling wire. it's fairly cheap; it shouldn't cost over $5. then just experiment with making shapes and joints out of it until you feel confident enough to make something more intricate. there's a lot of trial and error involved, so i would start small.

i think the most important part of my process is the pliers i use. i use Klein brand side-cutting pliers that are spring loaded. Klein specializes in tools for electricians, so they're good for working with wire. they are a little pricey, but they're worth it. i've had this pair since 2002, and they've been through a lot and even been set on fire, but they keep on ticking. unlike a lot of needle-nose pliers, they have less serration on the jaws, so they don't gouge up the wire too much. whichever brand you choose, make sure they are at least spring loaded. here's the exact kind i use:

http://www.service.kleintools.com/T...ing PLIERS-LONGNOSE-STDLNGNSC/Product/D203-6C

be prepared to get blisters on your plier hand, especially the ring and pinky fingers. sometimes i preempt blisters by putting bandaids on the spots that get the worst friction.

I'd like to encourage you to enter your Orp basket in a local art show. Most art shows have guidance as to what categories are included in that particular show like a photography show or craft show or painting show, etc. A show is a way to share with the public what is going on around them and you can always put either 1) a NFS (not for sale) on the label or 2) the price of the object.
That's really neat. Thanks for sharing
Thanks Sully. I did check out a few videos on youtube to get the main gist of what's involved. And boy oh boy! Am I ever kicking myself in the butt now! There was a great auction just a couple of weeks ago in which some guy was clearing out all of his hobby/crafting tools. There were tons and tons of top quality pliers of all kinds in that sale. Boxes of them! We passed up going to the actual auction after previewing it because there wasn't enough there to bring us back all that way for the sale day.
Sometimes, I'm an idiot!
Oh well, live and learn, eh? Thanks for the advice on the blister issue. Whenever I do get started into this particular craft, I'll be sure to remember that. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure after all!

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