orphaned gosling*NEW PICTURES*

incubator. Not incubator like hatching eggs type of incubator. Hospital incubator. Like what you put newborn babies in. Heated chamber. Dont have to turn the heat on. Clear acrylic with a sliding door. We use it at the vets for newborn puppies or debilitated animals who cant maintain their temperatures.
And for goosers who peep peep peep non-stop
incubator. Not incubator like hatching eggs type of incubator. Hospital incubator. Like what you put newborn babies in. Heated chamber. Dont have to turn the heat on. Clear acrylic with a sliding door. We use it at the vets for newborn puppies or debilitated animals who cant maintain their temperatures.
And for goosers who peep peep peep non-stop


Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me, Mom 2em All.
I have an Embden gosling, 4 1/2 weeks old who is growing up with ducklings, all the same age. I was hoping my 3 adult Embdens would adopt the goose or all of them but they are being big jerks and just want to bite them...it figures. Anyway, the gosling has taken to chasing my cats and my small dogs, she (I hope she's a she) is getting aggressive about it. Is this a sign that she is really a HE? or can the gals be that protective of the smaller water birds (ducklings) at such a young age? I'd post a pic but can't figure out how, there is no option here for posting a photo.

If anyone knows how to tell the sex of a gosling I could sure use the advice.
yes, Balbinka- he is growing. Cant really stuff him into my pocket anymore.

Sasa- my Henry has just started taking jabs at my cats. I figured they have it coming because they have tormented him. I have a bitty little dog- I was hoping that Henry would accept her as part of his flock. I sure hope so.

I vent-sexed him that is the only way I know how to tell if it is male. I watched a video how on youtube. Makes me almost a degreed professional, now.
How old is he now?
Balbinka is eight days now... I love her! I hope to take some new pictures tomorrow.

Have you ordered Henry a diaper?

I've ordered a baby diaper, adult goose shoes, an adult goose diaper, a goose walking harness... and still need to send off a money order for intermediate size diapers.
How old is he now?
Balbinka is eight days now... I love her! I hope to take some new pictures tomorrow.

Have you ordered Henry a diaper?

I've ordered a baby diaper, adult goose shoes, an adult goose diaper, a goose walking harness... and still need to send off a money order for intermediate size diapers.

I havent ordered a diaper- though I wish every ten minutes or so that he had one on. I didnt know what size- I have no idea what to order.

I am guesstimating his age. I believe someone had said before that he looked a week old, and I have had him a week today. So, two weeks old?

He is braver than he was- and I can feel "goose bumps" under his down. Baby feathers poking through!
He is still way too small to be with my six week old duckling- the only reason he is that close is because he doesnt realize it. After all, GRASS is all you see when you put your head down. He is terrified of Doodle, who wants to eat him.

and you can see him away from me in the yard in this picture. i also posted this picture in a thread on the duck board:


and our bench picture from this morning:


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