Orpington temperament


Mar 17, 2021
I have a buff pullet who is the sweetest girl I've ever had and I'm thinking of getting more orpingtons. I'd like to know what yalls experiences are with different varieties of orpingtons? Are they friendly and gentle? How are the roosters? We have a lot of lavender orpingtons in my area.
I have all Orpingtons. All of the roosters that I've raised have been extremely nice and have let me pick them up and carry them around. The hens seem to be a little more skittish. They'll let me near them, but won't let me touch them. I only have a couple mixed buff/lavenders that are super friendly. Maybe if I would have spent more time with them it would be different though. I can get close enough to grab them real quick. All in all I would highly reccomend Orpingtons to anyone!
I am fortunate enough to be able to spend a lot of time with my chickens right now. I sit with them daily so I have a few that will jump onto my lap and sit with me. The buff is the friendliest, she is super jealous and doesn't want me giving attention to the other chickens🤣I absolutely adore her! I want more! Thank you for the info, I'd love to be able to breed her 🥰
Each bird is going to be an individual. I have 2 english orp hens and a roo (and 5 chicks) My roo is a good boy, zero complaints there. Both of my ladies are sweet, but can be extremely pushy and bully some of my other birds, but again zero complaints

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