Orpington vs Sussex

i have a BO but no SS yet. i'm getting a SS this spring though. my BO is very quiet and sweet. she is the head of the flock and will give a gentle peck at the others from time to time. but she's in no way "mean". if your looking for a quiet hen, you COULD go with Black Austrolorps. i can't speak from experience though. i have learned from reading various threads here that they are very quiet.
It's interesting that I always read mixed things on Orps. There seems to be a love-hate thing that people have for them. I've yet to read a negative note on a Sussex.

I've seen the 16" measurement as well on the Orp, but that depends on how the measurement is being taken. Most people measure chicken height to the shoulder/back of the bird for some reason--and not to the top of the head. So, I can't figure out if that 16" height is overall or just to shoulder. I saw that same response on Ask.com, and the response seems to imply that it's top of the head measurement when the bird's neck is fairly outstretched. I'm more than happy to deal with a bird that is 20" or less, but I tell you that some folks seems to describe these orps are being so large that I have this picture in my mind of this insanely large bird that is the size of a toddler. LOL!
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I did initially think about Australorps, but since they are so similar to Orps, I figured why not go for the eye candy of color. Plymouth Rocks was another breed I toyed with. It was really those 4 breeds and then I narrowed it down to Orps and sussex.

I tell ya deciding on chickens is such a hard thing. There are truly so many interesting varieties.
I have Buff and Light Sussex and Buff Orpingtons. I love them both and have sussex and orpington eggs in the incubator. I have to say that if you get heritage sussex, they are larger overall than my orpingtons. The Orpingtons are fluffier. Both are friendly, I can handle my Orpingtons easier than my Sussex, but as another poster mentioned, a couple of my Orpingtons are very noisey. When one gets worked up, she goes on and on. My Sussex go broody more than my Orpingtons.

I don't think you can go wrong either way.

I had Orphs but now have Sussex.

I have had some scary roos but not with the Sussex. I have 5 roos in a pen with 4 hens.( I am about to do some culling). Not one hen has lost a feather because of so many roos. I get in the pen with them and I never get pecked or bothered by the roos or the hens. I pick them up and they settle down right away. Most docile chickens I have ever seen.
I am a huge fan of BOs, and have no problems with them that arent typical chicken problems- too many roosters competing, noise when laying....
Mine brood well too. My son even trained them to squat down when you come up behind them so you can pick them up. We picked up some black Austrolorps because we thought they were close and found them a bit more fliggt. We are giving those to a friend who wants a few proven layers and getting some rare orps instead. I wouldnt advise them.
Dont know much about Sussex
Whatever choice you make I am sure you will love your birds
I have white orpingtons. They are some nice chickens and loves to follow us around. My daughter has been around chickens since she was 6 years old with many different breeds. The meanest chickens I ever had was bantams (which I only had them for a very short time ... I got tired of them pecking me every time I went to water them or feed them).

Personally, the most friendliest chicken I have or have ever had is turkens. I have been thinking of getting some sussex.
I have both Speckled Sussex and Buff Orpingtons. I like them both very much. The Sussex are very friendly and curious birds that lay a light creamy and slighlty pink egg. The Orpintons lay a little darker brown egg and would probably be friendly with frequent handling. I have had both go broody on me. The sussex have an advantage outdoors because their colors blend in with trees and shrubs, so they are a little more protected from hawks. The Orpingtons may lay a few more eggs in total over the laying season. I like them both so much I guess I'm not much help, but I think you will be happy no matter what choice you made, they are both wonderful breeds!
I've had both. I love the Orpington! Had one in my first flock.. she was sooo sweet...now have some babies I got from hinkjc. I'm excited for them to start laying this spring. Pretty color of egg..and from what I've seen from her pictures of her Orpintons, they look to be a bit larger than mine, or as some say..more fluffly? They are beautiful..that red comb against those white feathers. My first girl would get up on an outside roost when I would be out there, and would start talking to me until I came over. We would just stand there and talk to each other, or she would jump onto my shoulder as I would be kneeling down to be face to face. Too cute.
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