Orpington with different comb?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 31, 2011
i have 3 White Orp pullets, just started laying. One of them has a light pink comb and hardly any waddle. The other two are red, no one is crowing and they are all laying, so not roos. Just unsure why the one is so different? Any answers would be appreciated! The chicken in the foreground is the oen I was wondering about, the other two look just like the one in the background.
I think I have to agree. sure that one is laying? Do you have a pic of the full body?
I have buff orpingtons and one had a huge comb and waddle in comparison to the other for a long time...even after both started laying. The one with small comb and waddle caught up and now looks like the other one...so you just never know!
Be careful jumping to conclusions based on comb and waddles. I had a mystery crow one morning and posted pictures of my birds. I had people tell me my buff was a rooster, had people tell me my australorp was a rooster, I even had some suggest my sex link was a rooster. We treat ours like pets so I wanted to make sure before I made a jump and got rid of a bird because it was a rooster. Well as it turned out I had a weird little hen crow, all three of my birds are now laying. If I had jumped to conclusions I would have gotten rid of one of our favorite birds in the buff.
Wow thanks guys! I will try to post more full body pics. None have long tail feathers or hackle feathers and like I said, no one crowing and they are def. over 20 wks of age. I'm 90% positive all have layed. I guess I will watch and wait, don't wanna go getting rid of anyone yet either! Thanks for sharing your experience and advice
We have three buff orp pullets at sixteen weeks.

All 3 have different looking combs at this point, but not laying.
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