

8 Years
Aug 31, 2011
hello, i have 6 eggs from ebay that my silver laced wyandotte is sitting on at the moment.
never had large breed before or orpington bird.
i have heard they are a gentle breed that is why i thought of going with them.
what i don't know is do they scratch up the garden badly, as they are a heavy bird i am worried they might did up the grass. they won't have access to my garden plants but will be kept in a large area which is mainly grass and dirt. anyone else keep these lovely birds please.
My Silver-laced are not hard on the grass and hardly ever scratch, it's quite pathetic actually when the roosters cal the girls over and scratch/stumble a bit before giving up. lol
Thank you! I have some jubilee, black, lavender, buff and red cuckoo. I’d like to try new colors ‍♂️
There’s no many options available in Hawaii or to import over.
I guess I’ll get some white hens to breed worth my roosters and see what the offspring looks like
Yes, Orpingtons are available in both dominant and recessive white. Test breeding can determine what they carry. I also believe I have heard that leg color can help in determining. Dominant White Orpingtons generally have white legs, while recessive white have slate. Or at least that seems to be the case in the Orpington groups on Facebook that I am a member of. However, I hatched Recessive White Orpingtons from my Silver-laced Orpingtons and they have lovely white legs. *shrugs*
rita, what variety of orp eggs did you get from ebay? I also am incubating a bunch of shipped English Orp eggs right now.
I did have a broody but she hatched out two chicks the second I gave her eggs lol, so into the incubators they went.

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