oscellated turkeys

i am new to owning poults and also still in the process of hatchin my first set of eggs ill let u know how it goes the eggs are due to hatch on saturday the 13th
I have some Blue/Black/Splash/Lavender as well as some Bourbon Red eggs in the incubator, most of them are my friend's, I get to cherry pick a few and give her the rest. She said someone might have occleated turkey pair available and that "they weren't cheap" and I was just fishing around for info of what "not cheap" meant. Good luck on your hatch! I have four Midget White poults that I had someone else hatch for me, and a single bourbon red from a mostly failed attempt with ten eggs. I had them in the turner with some chicken eggs. Most of the chicks hatched, but only one poult. This time I am laying them flat in the bator and turning them by hand, only turkey eggs. I have a t-shirt around the perimiter to make like a nest to help keep them all warm. About half are developing but they are not ready for a couple more weeks plus. You will have to post pics when yours hatch!
Good luck to both of you. I've got 5 turkey eggs under a broody hen. I figured she'd have a better chance of hatching them than me and the bator. It's my first attempt at turkeys. My son talked me into them. lol

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