Oshawa Ontario changing by-law to make chickens illegal

I have recently started thinking about having a chicken or two myself and came across this in my search in determining whether or not I can have them in Oshawa. It's nice to see other people are interested in having them as well. I would like to help in some way. I didn't think chickens were that loud. I have an endless number of dogs in my neighborhood and they can be really annoying. Do you have any idea how many people are interested in having chickens in Oshawa? Is this by-law passed officially? Let me know what you know and let me know how I can help.
The by law isn't passed yet. I believe they are trying to push it through for April, with a 90 day grace period for people with soon-to-be illegal animals. I know some other people are fighting for a grandfather clause.
I am still trying to find out more info.
My neighbors are all very supportive and enjoy my 4 hens and I have had no complaints at all as I keep them very clean and happy. The only time they are really noisy is a less than 1 minute BUCK BUCK BUCK BACAWWWK when they lay an egg, so it is still way less than the constantly barking dogs, pool parties with screaming and splashing and loud music from the other people in the neighborhood.
Well, looking at what other people have done, we would need to get a petition going, distribute fact sheets on having backyard hens, petition council...probably more than that. I've never dealt with something like this before. I know other BYCers have done a lot of the research already, so probably find info on the forum to use, and perhaps modify a bit to fit Oshawa.
Ok I will do some reading later this evening when I wake up. (I work nights).
I am new to this type of thing as well. I will also ask around and see if I know anyone locally that has done this sort of thing before. We need the attention and help of someone further up the political tree if we can get it. The local media might be of some assistance as well.
I also am worried, because although all my neighbors are supportive of my hens, and 2 want their own, I don't want them taken away if we lose. So we can't lose.....
Thanks for looking into it.
I will try to do some research too.
I believe the new Canadian Geographic has an article on Toronto trying to ALLOW home chickens. They were banned there in 1983. Some of the councillors are aboad in the battle. They are claiming that it is both educational and a source of eggs for small families. There will be restrictions to the number of birds but its a start....
They also mentioned this website and other cities changing their laws. I would have brought it home but it was in my Doctor's office and its the only magazine he has that appeals to the men....
I'm in Bowmanville and my petition to change the bylaw, allowing chickens, was just denied this week after 3 months on the table. If you need any help, PM me...I'm more than happy! Perhaps we should start a group? Durham for Chickens? LOL.
In St.Catharines we can have them but not living out side in a coop. I plan on kjeeping all my chicks though origonally I wasn't going to. All 17 chicks unless they are rosters shall live in my porch and spend the day in a dog run. All I can say is my cities bylaws suck and thats all I can say.....

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