
I think they are dangerous...........I'm sure someone on here will say they aren't though.

IMO- not ALL Ostrich are dangerous, just like not all dogs, geese or turkeys are dangerous.

Just like any large animal all can be dangerous, if not handle properly

Excellent point, I would add: if not housed properly.

With ostrich, there are 3 types: Blacks, Blues & Reds. Blacks are the shortest (6 to 7 foot) and the most docile. Blues are the mediums (7-8 foot tall) and Reds are the tallest (8 foot plus) and the most aggressive.

Most males become aggressive during breeding season, but tame males are usually the ones that get the worst as they are not afraid of people. But the young birds and hens are very curious and friendly birds. They are comical to watch as they can run and dart around turning on a dime, then they will spin in a circle and jump into the air. The breeding males have a cool display by kneeling and swaying their wings back and fourth while tossing their head from side to side.

They can handle cold temps with dry shelter out of the wind.


Randy www.spectrumranch.net
I think they are dangerous. I know they are capable of killing a person. I have a friend who is a painter, and he was doing some work for some people that had ostrich's . He went over to the gate to look at them, and it just hurled itself against the gate trying to get at him. It knocked the gate off, on top of my friend and had him pinned against a wall. It took a couple of people to get the gate off of him, And he's a big guy, 6'2" 250.

I'm sure someone on here will say they aren't though.
They can be pretty dangerous but then my son was attacked by a turkey once and still bears that scar. Then again, that's the same son who was attacked by goose at a ZOO! Those nice, tame geese that they keep at zoos attacked this boy.....I'm thinking he's just not good with birds. Sorry to ramble at you. Yes, an ostrich CAN be dangerous.
had a male as a pet, but during breeding season will protect the eggs and babies. I could go in the pen with mine. Should know how to handle them, like placing a hood over their head.

Just like any large animal all can be dangerous, if not handle properly
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I have a friend who commercially raised ostrichs and emus. He switched from ostrich to emus because the emus are easier to handle. I have a breeding pair of emu who were hand raised and quite tame. My male is quite protective of his nest and can be very agressive if a stranger enters the run when he's brooding.

My emus are about the easiest of my critters to care for and sometimes hysterical to watch.

Good luck with whatever you wind up with!
Each individual is different. Females are usually mellow and chill, but males are just MEAN! At our zoo, we had a pair and they can be very dangerous. We had a protected contact policy with them. Their stalls in our African barn were seperated. We couldnt keep them overnight with each other, or with other hoofstock. They would chase around the Damma Gazelles and stress them out quite a bit. We had to donate them to another zoo... (Bham maybe?)
I think they are dangerous...........I'm sure someone on here will say they aren't though.​
IMO- not ALL Ostrich are dangerous, just like not all dogs, geese or turkeys are dangerous.​
Just like any large animal all can be dangerous, if not handle properly​
Excellent point, I would add: if not housed properly.​
With ostrich, there are 3 types: Blacks, Blues & Reds. Blacks are the shortest (6 to 7 foot) and the most docile. Blues are the mediums (7-8 foot tall) and Reds are the tallest (8 foot plus) and the most aggressive.​
Most males become aggressive during breeding season, but tame males are usually the ones that get the worst as they are not afraid of people. But the young birds and hens are very curious and friendly birds. They are comical to watch as they can run and dart around turning on a dime, then they will spin in a circle and jump into the air. The breeding males have a cool display by kneeling and swaying their wings back and fourth while tossing their head from side to side.​
They can handle cold temps with dry shelter out of the wind.​
Hi Randy, there are two new ostriches at a house near my sister in law. They are separated and neither have shelters. It gets very cold, wet, and windy in Gardnerville NV. I thought I should look it up because I care. So they should have a shelter??? I personally feel all animals should have a shelter. Even cattle will cluster in shade. Thanks for your time!
'They are comical to watch as they can run and dart around turning on a dime, then they will spin in a circle and jump into the air.'

OMG OMG!! We now have data on three ratite species doing 'dawn dances': emus, ostriches, and kiwis


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