Other reasons for swelling besides bumble...what should I do with this?


Jun 6, 2019
I checked my duck
for bumblefoot less than a week ago and it was clear. Just today she started holding up her foot and I saw this big swelling of her middle toe. There is no scab or visible injury. I can't get a vet appointment for 6 weeks. Anyone have advice of how to proceed?
Yes, thanks, I was just heading out to soak her now. I have experience with treating bumblefoot, just not sure if that's what this is....or even how to begin if it is.
Update - I just used a magnifying glass to look at it really closely and there is a tiny spot that looks almost like a blister, but I'm guessing that's where the infection got in and it is indeed bumble. At least I have something to work on. Does anyone recommend an antibiotic and which is best for bumblefoot? Or is it not needed? I can't get into the vet until end of March, so that's not an option. Thanks
Bumblefoot especially in early cases, may not need antibiotics. Usually soaking and using something like sugardine (a dressing with sugar and Betadine applied to the foot every 3 days, and left on) can help draw any infection out. I am more of a chicken person, so I would that a duck person help with antibiotics.

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