our 1st chick came in today


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 11, 2010
Leggett, NC
Our Australorp Black came in today 26 of them. all looking good. when i want to pick them up a USPS them came in a little 12"x12" box i thought it was going to be alot bogger. I made a brooder 24"x96" way to big. so for now there in a plastic carry all. when they get bigger i'll move them to the bigger one.


there just so cute.
I got them from Nature's Hatchery, order them last tuesday. they called me friday and said we be shipping on monday. but i got them 8:30am this morning.
They are very pretty! I have 30 in a 60" x 27" brooder and they are going to need bigger diggs by this weekend. I only have 5 aussies but they are very good layers!
having new chick is like having a baby, i got up in the middle of the night just to check on them. and again at 6am. i set there whiching them. there so fun to which.
my girls are now 5 weeks olds and we moved them into the main coop and run. at first they just sat there and didn't move around much. now there waiting every morning to go out side.

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