"Our chicks have pastry butt???"


Has Fainting Chickens
14 Years
Dec 25, 2007
Chaparral, New Mexico
Yesterday one of my students asked me about their chicks at home, two had poop stuck all over the butts and he wanted to know how to take it off. I explained to him that it is called pasty butt and he could carefully soak it off, tell his dad to look it up on the Internet. So at the end of school today after the buses left and I was getting ready for a staff baby shower I get a call from the office that I have a parent waiting for me. I didn't have any meetings scheduled so I grabbed the gifts for the shower and went on up to the office. It's the boy and his dad,,, his dad looks at me and says: "My son said you told him our chicks have PASTRY butt and we should soak them, what kind of pastry do we use? Are glazed donuts ok?" Everyone in the office is staring at me while I'm trying to keep myself together,,, I explained that no,, I didn't say PASTRY butt I said PASTY butt and that you should look up on the Internet how to carefully soak it off with warm water,,,,

He thought his son had gotten mixed up and the reason for putting a pastry on the chicks fanny was so the momma hen would pick the pastry off and get the poo too. I did manage to hold it together until I got to the ladies room.
Yeah,, This is their first time with chicks,, they got a couple of hens and a rooster from me before my coop incident. One of the hens went broody and just hatched 7 babies. I'm picturing this well off guy in his suit out there rubbing donuts in chicky butts.
Get the heck outta here! Are you serious? You should have went with it, explaining that LOCAL pastries are most beneficial, because they are more fresh and that ideally they should use eclairs, or a jelly donut, but NOT a glazed donut due to the glazed coating and the fact that it would block the chicken from sniffing out the pastry part.

That IS funny. Pastry butt.

At least you know they trust your advice if they actually asked what kind of pastry to use.

BTW, I had pastry butt at one time.

It was kind of like this... but less appealing.


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