Our "Coop De Ville" **Updated with construction and detail pics**


I'd think I'd like to be one of your hens. Do they have a butler to feed them mealworms?
Wow, tell me this was done by a professional contractor, builder, or carpenter and I'll feel muuuucch better. Way to go! You make chicken-keepers all over look good.
Thanks everyone for your kind feedback. Here's a few details, and yes, now that I've gone through pics, I see that maybe I do have enough for a coop page. This will do for now though...

Here's my wonderful DH attempting to convey his idea for the design. "Plans? who needs plans"
(yes he's a backyard builder) Many of the materials were cull from Home Depot. I think the final cost was around $400.


It's really pretty simple - 6x8 box - the porch just makes it cute. We framed and sided the walls and put them up.



Here's a pic of the trusses he built. Probably the most complicated part.


Here's trusses and roof sheeting in place. You can see that the support beams are longer to support the front porch. He added a center beam after this photo when he realized he'd need it to support the redwood decking. (see - plans are a GOOD thing


Here's the inside, taken from the human door. Really simple. The windows are hardware cloth. We added 6" inside "walls" at the bottom so we could use the deep litter method. Seems to work well for us.


Inside and outside view of the nest boxes.



Inside view of the trusses. The girls usually roost up there and sometimes will sneak a few eggs up there above the porch. We added the light later - after we tested the chickens for wiring safety by throwing a few pieces in to see if they tried to eat them.


Here's a couple of views of the pop door. The "security" clip has worked so far against the raccoons, possums, and toddlers etc. We added hardware cloth on the back side to add some traction for the girls



Here's the finished product in case you missed it in the first post.
He's finishing up the roofing in this one.


We never planned to have an attached run because we have plenty of room for them to free range, we do use a "hound surround" to pen them up outside if necessary (like during the coyote siege).

Hope that helps. I'm excited to finally be able to share something on this board. You all have provided so much help and inspiration!! Feel free to ask any questions.

Country Club Chickens.....Use to the finer things in life....My chickens think your chickens are stuck up....lol

Seriously...That is a great piece of work!

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