Our first blue egg!

Happy happy chicken dance...I am patiently waiting for mine! I have three hens (EEs) purchased on July 22 and I have not yet had any blue eggs! I am crossing my fingers that one will be coming soon!
If you have EEs (which are sold by almost every hatchery I've ever heard of as "Ameraucanas" or the misspelled "Americana", but they are mixed lineage), they may lay brown eggs. Most do lay some shade of green, some do lay blue and many lay tan/brown. Hope you get the blue eggs you want, though!
Once we realized that Roadrunner was an EE, I was worried theat she might lay brown eggs and the 8 year old would be dissapointed. It worked out well for him.

And Roadrunner and our Buff Cochin pullet were July 15 hatches. So hopefully the other July chicks will get going soon.
Cool It seemed like forever waiting but I finally have all six of mine laying.
I was getting 2 eggs a day for weeks now we get 3-5 everyday.
I love when people hear I am selling eggs and they want to now what kind I have Brown?
I say white, brown, green and blue what kind would you like?
They always freek out on the blue and green. They say Green eggs and ham.
Have fun

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