Our First Broody and Incubator Hatch: a Diary

@igorsMistress Fugly is turning out very nice! I like those lower pitched crowing roo's. It's easier to tolerate than the one's that have the high pitched crow's.
Agreed. I have one that not only has a higher pitched crow, but insists on crowing all night and the no-crow collar is not working at all... The hubby has offered to deal with it in various not so nice ways that involve shovels, rakes, and hanging by his feet... :rant:barnie:he Fortunately I've found that moving him into the pen with the more enclosed dog house coop muffles it enough to keep the frustrations down. I'd rehome him but I really want to breed him first as I really like his build, and the girls really like him. He's a gentle foghorn... :p
Oh no the poor darling! I did worry alot about mine as we also get very hot days over 40c - most of mine were chicks / half grown last year but now I'm looking at the fully feathered Orps and hoping they'll be OK this summer! DH bought the bits to build me a mister so that should help!
Low water pans, like kitty litter pans, often help because they can soak their feet. Mine utilize water pans alot in the summer. Chickens do alot of cooling through their feet and combs. Just get Orps from nearby where they are bred in a similar climate to your own and you shouldn't have any problems.. :)
Low water pans, like kitty litter pans, often help because they can soak their feet. Mine utilize water pans alot in the summer. Chickens do alot of cooling through their feet and combs. Just get Orps from nearby where they are bred in a similar climate to your own and you shouldn't have any problems.. :)
I didn't try pans last year as I had so many little chicks running around (and will probably be the same this year to be honest). They are from a local breeder - hatched by my Silkies so great point hopefully they'll be OK! We have super shade where there coop is at least!
I didn't try pans last year as I had so many little chicks running around (and will probably be the same this year to be honest). They are from a local breeder - hatched by my Silkies so great point hopefully they'll be OK! We have super shade where there coop is at least!
You can still use pans, they don't have to have much water in them just put a tray of ice in them to melt, I freeze cottage cheese containers to add to the water.
Add a couple of small red bricks for stands in the pan.. the brick absorbs the cooler temps, and keeps their feet cool. Mud puddles help too!
You can still use pans, they don't have to have much water in them just put a tray of ice in them to melt, I freeze cottage cheese containers to add to the water.
Add a couple of small red bricks for stands in the pan.. the brick absorbs the cooler temps, and keeps their feet cool. Mud puddles help too!
Thanks for the tips!
Funny to be discussing heat busting ideas in this weather :lau
OMG, I just realized that our location can be shown by our name..... I fixed mine so it says Arizona. The poster who started this thread, and most of us, are from AZ I didn't realize you were from France.... that's cool backyard chickens is international.... WOW
Funny to be discussing heat busting ideas in this weather :lau
That is kinda funny when you think about it... haha!

yeah, I put bricks of different heights in the water pans if there's chicks so they have a way to climb out of the water. But I did lose one chick to drowning last year because I forgot to put the brick back in after washing and refilling one of the pans... I felt terrible. I'll have to keep on top of it this year as my plan is to minimize brooding chicks in a separate grow out, and just let the broody hens raise them all for me. I found the ones that were raised among the flock by the hens have been much more healthy/hearty birds, although a bit less human friendly...
.. I found the ones that were raised among the flock by the hens have been much more healthy/hearty birds, although a bit less human friendly...
over the last 4-5 years
First batch from feed store (mostly friendly)
second batch incubator ( our best friends)
third batch by broody (not human friendly)
fourth batch incubator (my best'ies)
last hatch by broody (one scared to death of me, one learning to trust me but still wary)

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