Our First Broody and Incubator Hatch: a Diary

over the last 4-5 years
First batch from feed store (mostly friendly)
second batch incubator ( our best friends)
third batch by broody (not human friendly)
fourth batch incubator (my best'ies)
last hatch by broody (one scared to death of me, one learning to trust me but still wary)
I was kind of lucky with one of my broody hens last year. She accepted my help while sitting on the nest and bringing food and water for the chicks, and even started bringing the chicks to me sometimes in the beginning. So they weren't overly terrified, but certainly don't like direct attention from me either. I only have one cockerel left from that batch. Thinking back sometimes I wonder if I should have kept that hen.
I was kind of lucky with one of my broody hens last year. She accepted my help while sitting on the nest and bringing food and water for the chicks, and even started bringing the chicks to me sometimes in the beginning. So they weren't overly terrified, but certainly don't like direct attention from me either. I only have one cockerel left from that batch. Thinking back sometimes I wonder if I should have kept that hen.
As cool as it was to watch first Kohl, then FiveAlive hatch eggs, I will probably not try to get fertilized eggs again... They seem to like to sit at the hottest time of year, and it is very stressful for me worrying about them overheating... plus my hens are also pets, so it makes me super sad, when they are frightened of me.
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Fugly will be 6 months old at the end of this week. He's a handsome boy, has a deep crow and seems to get most of it out of his system in the mornings. He was singing the egg song with one of the girls yesterday. The bottom pic is the whole flock having some scratch this afternoon.
very nice roo & flock you have...! just wonderful..! you did good.!!! :clap:thumbsup:yesss::goodpost::highfive::frow
Fugly is going into a pen tomorrow. He has, unintentionally I'm sure, hurt my Nn Nova bad enough that she hides in the coop away from him. I've had to clean up the back of her head and put some blu-kote on it.

He needs a time out to learn some manners. Nova is fine with the girls and I think she needs to build her confidence up again to be able to deal with him. Jerk.
I imagine it might be hard for him to mount an NN...
...no neck feathers to grab onto?

That's what it looks like yes. Her injury is right below her cap on the back of her head but she is absolutely terrified of him. He's trying to sweet talk her but she'll have none of it.

Does Fugly have big enough spur's to help him to hold on yet?

No spurs. None of my boys at 6 months have had them.
I imagine it might be hard for him to mount an NN...
...no neck feathers to grab onto?
They generally grab the cap of feathers on the head, no problem.

He's a teenager now. He's gonna be awkward both in manners and physically for awhile. Sometimes it only takes a few weeks, sometimes it takes months. Without a mature rooster to show him the ropes it may take him longer. Now would be a good time to borrow an older rooster, like at least 1.5 yrs old or older, to show him the ropes. A good rooster won't let him mate with the hens if he's rough enough to make them scream about it. He'll have to learn to caress them into letting him mount without making any noise. If the hen complains the alpha rooster will kick him off. This is why I only like to add young roosters when there is already an alpha rooster in the flock. Or, you can keep him separated until he gets over the hormonal teenage phase. I don't think I put my Bresse roos in with any hens until they were over 7 months old and they did great.
When I put the Jersey Giant rooster in with some of his own hens he did all kinds of damage because he couldn't stay on. He was putting huge gashes in the sides, and somehow gashed one hens crop... not sure how he did that. But these were NN hens with big bare areas not protected by feathers. He had huge feet that just couldn't stay on their back... He was trying his hardest to be gentle, and the girls knew he was trying and it was all accident, so they didn't seem mad at him about it at all. So I put him in the "general admission" flock with the older roosters and he quickly learned how to straddle the hens between his legs instead. it was kinda cute to watch, actually. The injured hens healed up quickly. I ended up rehoming him because as he grew he continued to be just all heavy bone like a basketball player, and I'm going for meaty birds.
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@cactusrota thank you for the info and encouragement. I'm sure he was trying to mate and the girls are still kind of so so about it, especially the Nn girls as they're finishing up their molt and coming back into lay.

Plus we lost the Boss lady recently and it's all a mess now. The other girls try to beat him up when he goes after someone. I feel bad for him and them too. He wants to be a good boy. He is so good at escorting them and keeping an eye out for predators. I've heard him growl and saw a hawk hunting a few blocks away. He tidbits them. He's still young and uncoordinated for sure but he has to learn at some point.

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