Our First Coop - not finished but almost there!

Oh it is very easy to clean. You can't see it but on the one side of the coop there is a huge door. I just put a trash can below the open and brush it all in. For the run, I just get a broom and dust pan sweep and scoop it up and spread the poop through out my garden. Then hose the run down. There is a slight tilt so the water all runs out. We built it on top of very large cement stepping stones or whatever you want to call them. They were already there. This way nothing can dig their way in. It's working out nicely. People come over and comment on how it doesn't smell. LOL
Thanks all!
Very cute! Is there hardware cloth over the ventilation under the edge of the roof?

No that's the stucco netting. We are considering putting boards up there with nice round holes covered in hardware cloth, so it's more pleasing too the eyes and just incase for rats even though we have never seen any evidence of any out here. We have TONS of stray cats that I think keeps the population of rodents down.
That's so nice looking. You're lucky to have a talented husband. I was thinking of building my own, I had drawn the plans up - nothing as cool as yours. However, being a non-builder, I just went out and ordered one. :) I do have to build the run for mine though.
What kind of chickens do you have? Can you provide some pictures of the inside as well?

Thanks from a newbie.

Sorry I've pretty much been gone all weekend. When I have a chance today I'll get some pics of the inside. As far as the chickens I have, 2 Plymouth Barred Rocks, 1 Partridge Rock, 1 Frizzled Cochin and 1 Silkie. I plan on adding two more Pullets when I can. Probably 2 more Cochins as their temperaments are wonderful. Hubby wants to add Seramas but I think they'd be too small to put in with the others on top of their eggs are about the size of a quarter. Not much to eat there! lol

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