Our first coop (pic heavy)

Very NICE coop. Love the colors, black hardware. The girls look like they like sitting up high. They'll like it even better when you flip that 2 x 4 on the bigger side so they don't have to grip and balance all night long.

Thank you for sharing and I look forward to seeing picks of your run.
Very cool! I loved the building pics with the little boy (your son?). He'll remember getting to work on that with you when he was young.
I didn't bother with the deep-litter method because of ammonia, I use about 4" pine shavings on the floor which is planks over concrete. Ammonia is bad for you and especially for your child. I mix food-grade DE and Stable Boy in and use a platform as well as a roost and clean up daily with a paint scraper. You can see on my BYC pages. I notice your roost is very high so you may have to lower it if you change to thinner bedding in future.
Lynne - my floor is vinyl flooring over PT plywood. How often do you change the 4" of pine shavings? It sounds like I should clean my poop board more often as well. Great BYC pages. I need to take more time and read them more thoroughly, but you've got some great info there. Thanks again.

I encourage you to continue with your deep litter, just turn the litter more often to dry the droppings. Our raised coop is only 4 X 8 with four nest boxes extending on the exposed long side. We have almost full wall wide doors on the two 4' ends which open, making litter turning easy. I use a hoe to shuffle or redistribute the litter every two-three days. This takes only a few minutes and no ammonia build up develops. It may be a little fumy when we open the doors in the morning, but these dissipate immediately. I also have some DE and stall dri in the litter mix. I change the litter twice annually to add to the garden: early spring and fall. We also have a connecting indoor pen that is 10 x 12 inside our metal barn, bedding there is deep litter also, maintained the same, though unless the hens are in there a lot through the day and night--as in severe weather periods--I turn this mixture only a couple of times a month. Best wishes with your chickens:) ~G
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