Our first hawk attack


11 Years
Sep 5, 2011
Middlebury, Vermont
Today we had the first hawk attack that I know of.

We got our birds in the spring and have been free-ranging them for at least a few months. This afternoon my wife and I were getting ready to go for a walk in the beautiful sunny warm day with our baby girl and GSD. I heard a commotion in the lower yard which is hidden from the house by a row of bushes and trees. I jogged toward that area with our GSD and then all of a sudden our rooster comes running up the path between the bushes...with a hawk following! The hawk must have seen me because it flew up and into a tree and then disappeared. The rooster seems fine and we still have all 16 birds. I didn't see any feathers anywhere, though it was a really windy day. We saw the hawk circling a few more times. Hopefully it won't become a common occurrence. We have a good amount of places for the chickens to get under cover quickly. They've been pretty laid-back recently, all spread out and in the open. They were much more careful this afternoon!
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