Our geese prefer some kiddie pool to big one

That is precious: "They wanted an inground solution". I picture them coming up to you, solemnly discussing their preferences.

This reminds of a thread some years ago. Someone had excavated a huge lake with beach front access for their geese. They posted pictures - but where were the geese? Patiently waiting in line for their turn to bathe in the stock pot!
So the filters SEEM to be working. The pentek filters down to 50 microns. Plus we have the UV filter running. We are pretty nervous about the water going bad as they constantly drink from the pond too. Should we treat the water with something that won't corrode the tank?
How precious - i love that set up - and looks like they really love it too! If you're running a UV filter, the water should be safe to drink. I never drain or treat my pond with any chemicals to clean it and my ducks have been drinking from it for over a year. The only thing I add is beneficial bacteria to break up the muck and barley extract sometimes to keep algae under control. Can't wait to see more videos - so much fun splash time! :D
We are pretty nervous about the water going bad as they constantly drink from the pond too. Should we treat the water with something that won't corrode the tank?

I used to be nervous about water quality, too. Everything I've read, though, states that waterfowl generally tolerates most kinds of pollution in their water. Which makes sense, given that they always first poop in their bath water, then drink from it. :)

Uneaten treats, especially bread, in smaller bodies of water is my main concern. I've read about flocks of wild waterfowl dying from botulism where people feed them bread in ponds. Therefore, I rarely give them any kind of food in their pond.

I've observed my geese having easy access to nice, clean, and fresh water in clean tubs and buckets - and still obsessing over a dirty bucket with old, stale rainwater left out for months filled with rotting leaves and all kinds of guck. I've also seen them taste salt water while swimming in the ocean and spit it out. So I've decided they know what they're doing, as long as the pollution isn't manmade, and as long as they always have a choice of clean water.
That is precious: "They wanted an inground solution". I picture them coming up to you, solemnly discussing their preferences.

This reminds of a thread some years ago. Someone had excavated a huge lake with beach front access for their geese. They posted pictures - but where were the geese? Patiently waiting in line for their turn to bathe in the stock pot!

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