Our newest addition....Hawk!


Flock Mistress
10 Years
Apr 14, 2009
Benton (Saline County) AR
Just got him today. 4 year old yellow Lab. Has been duck hunting. Good prey drive -probably a chicken chaser

Wanted a playful companion for our resident dog, Dusti. Looks like it's going to take a little time till they are best buds, because Dusti is shy, but it's not going that bad either.



What a cutie!!! Hope it all works out quick for the boys...lol. We adopted a lab/ beagle mix in the fall and the cat and him are best buds and got along pretty quick!

He met the chickens today. First while they were in their pen, then with them out and him on leash. Not too bad. I don't trust him, but he's not going ga ga trying to get them either.
I think he's a little afraid of them and that's fine by me!!!!

Him and Dusti played today, so while she is unsure about the newcomer I think they are gonna get used to each other.

He's awful whimpery in the crate though, I slept like a rock right through it, but DH got woke up and he was mad!!!!! We will see how it goes, but the dogs might have to move to the yard while I'm gone work and DH is sleeping. I don't think they'll mind so much now that there are 2 dogs to keep each other company. Need to scrape up some $$ coz we want chainlink on the front yard, but 2 sides are already fenced, so it won't be that much fence to buy.
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Although my FAVORITES are Boxers, Yellow (Golden) Labs are usually VERY GOOD DOGS!!! Intelligent and Friendly and good "family" dogs!

Congratulations on acquiring a good pet!


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