Our newest addition....Hawk!

You know I don't need 100 people to tell me this.

I AM fencing them separately.
Just as soon as I can come up with $400 for the chainlink that DH wants instead of welded wire
of course, it's MY fault for getting a dog, not his for demanding the pricy fence.
This dog has had the poops pretty much since we got him. His old owner gave him a dose of Hartguard last week. Could that be the cause????

He (old owner) said to feed 2 cups of kibble morning and night, well this morning he only ate about half the kibble, TOTALLY snubbed the peanutbutter that had probiotic powder in it, and had the poops when I came home from work, AGAIN.

I swear he's gonna find himself an outside doggy if he can't hold it while I'm at work. He's 4 years old for cryin out loud, not a baby!!!!
In my opinion, dogs are most "psychologically attuned" than people. A CHANGE of "residence" can cause this "bowel problem".
Also, a change of DIET can be the cause.

I'd put some "fibre-type" food into his plate (bowl, if you wish)..........
AND be very affectionate.......

UNLESS he's SICK.....he'll "straighten-out".

just my 2 pesos worth,

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He probably is having loose stool because of the change in diet. Although, some dogs can't handle certain meats...pork really does a number on our dogs and we avoid it. I used to feed raw and after a year of trying every recipe under the sun...I finally gave up with one of my dogs. He just couldn't handle it and he did fine on kibble. I have heard from others that they had the occasional dog that actually seemed to handle a kibble so much better.

My oldest dog can't even have the good kibble like Blue Buffalo or any of the really high quality ones. He gets horrible diarrhea and we live in the city so kibble it is.
Figured out that *somebody* ate the insulation off of my heat pump pipes the other day. I just put that on for this season

THAT's why he was so sick!! He was out with my other dog in the back yard yesterday morning before I let the birds out, while I was getting up and showering. He musta done it then when I wasn't looking. We've had the other dog for 3 years in the same back yard AND Hawk doesn't seem inclined to chew on everything in sight, so it didn't even occur to me that he might eat the foam. I'm gonna build a fence around the a/c like my grandpa used to have - before I replace the foam stuff! We're fencing the front yard for the dogs next week, so he can't get to the a/c from up there either.

Anyway, talked to the vet, told them he had had diarrhea and vomiting last night probably because of the insulation. I didn't feed him this morning because I didn't want to come home to another mess. They instructed me to feed him again to see if he was still vomiting everything back up, and to bring him in if he couldn't hold it down so they could check for blockage.
Well I gave him a kinda light meal, one rib and some chicken gizzards. He's been full of energy, not acting down like he was last night, and nothing has come back up. He even pooped a little, although it was kinda runny it wasn't that "can't hold it gotta go right now" stuff. Maybe we're over the worst of it.
I've also been putting the probiotic powder in his water since he snubbed it in food.

That we don't have an expensive vet visit the first week after we get him! That would make DH mad! Plus, really set us back on the cost of the fence....not to mention DH's alternator went out too.
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It has been my experience that, for the MOST PART, dogs "chew" or "destroy" things out of BOREDOM....or desire for attention.

You might try to find him a "toy" that he can play with when alone and get him "accustomed" to playing with it.

(just a thought)

GOOD LUCK.......you've got a very fine breed of dog!

Yeah I can understand that. After my shower I played fetch with him and took them both on a walk before I had to go to work. He does require a lot of stimulation, typical of a Lab.

He seems to like the Kong, but I usually stuff them with PB and he seems to snub that?? Maybe some cheese whiz will catch his attention....
I've gotta get him the black one though, coz Dusti still has the soft puppy version. She's a licker, not a chewer.

Other than that, I haven't found any durable toys that he likes to just chew on. His old owners sent one of those ropes with the "flavored" rubber chew thing in the middle. He barely touches it. He likes squeeky stuff, but I gotta find something that will last a few days

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