Our "Oak Abode" chicken coop

South Dakota Guy

Feb 22, 2023
South Dakota
My Coop
My Coop
Oak Abode Coop
My wife and I just finished building our chicken coop and we are rather proud of ourselves. We have almost no carpentry experience, so it was quite the challenge for us. We saw this coop on YouTube and I have posted the link above. We live in South Dakota in a city. so we are operating under some restrictions. We are allowed to have no more than 6 hens and no roosters. The coop should be no larger than 30 sq ft and the run should be no larger than 60 sq ft. We purchased the plans for the coop from Oak Abode's ETSY shop. This coop is slightly larger than the allowed size at 32 sq ft. This is because plywood and studs come in 8 ft sections. I could have modified it to 30 sq ft but I am hoping no one from the city shows up with a tape measure. We liked the raised design because it allows the chickens to have a shaded and protected area and it adds a stealthy extra 32 sq ft to the size of our run (which is already accounted for by the coop). We purchased a cheap metal run on Amazon that is 6.6 ft by 10 ft. This gives our chickens 66 sq ft + 32 sq ft =96 sq ft of run space for 16 sq ft per bird. The coop provides 5+ sq ft per bird. We enclosed the underneath of the coop with hardware cloth. Unfortunately, our bargain run is only enclosed in chicken wire but we know the risks. We live in the city and have a 6ft privacy fence for our backyard. The only predators I have seen are a neighbors cat, hawks and the occasional bald eagle which shouldn't penetrate the chicken wire. The designers of the coop live in Wisconsin which has similar weather to us. Summers are short and mild and winter is long and brutal. In winter we will most likely wrap the run in a tarp or some kind of plastic sheeting to minimize wind and snow exposure to our flock. We have 3 silver laced Wyandot hens aged 9 weeks and 3 gold laced Wyandotte chickens aged 15 and 10 weeks. We chose them because they are known to be cold hardy. Here are photos of the finished coop. If there is an interest, I will post photos we took during various stages of construction.

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I forgot to include the interior photo. Our nesting box is split into two nesting areas. The small protrusion on the end of the coop holds our heated water container. I will need to add a hole for an extension cord before winter sets in. We wanted to put the water above the bedding to keep it clean. The roosting bar is set to 24 inches below the ventilation openings to keep the flock out the wind during the winter. I am considering putting a higher summer roost in where the flock can get some direct breeze and also look outside. The low slope of the roof in on the north side of the coop. Right now the space between the rafters is open. I will add hardware cloth soon but I am toying with the idea of closing that area and the west side vent during the winter. Our prevailing winter winds are from the west, northwest and north.

coop 2.jpg
Gotta admit I was nervous when you said you bought plans off Etsy but this is one of the better layouts I've seen for sure. Generous ventilation up high, roost and nest placement look reasonable. Good job!
Thank you! We are really new to raising chickens but this design made sense to us for where we live and with the restrictions for our location. We plan to add an automatic feeder made from either 3 or 4 inch pvc pipe and mount it inside to the side of the coop on the nest box side. That way when it is really cold our chickens won’t have to go outside if they don’t want to. It shouldn’t take up much floor space. That was one reason I really liked the water box feature. If the water is in the middle of the floor it uses up valuable space, gets bedding kicked into it and gets bumped by the chickens which causes it to spill. We know that moisture is the enemy of the coop so the water box solves a lot of problems. Our chickens just moved into it and seem to love the run but didn’t want to enter the coop. The problem was that the coop entrance ladder was too slippery for them. We just cut up some roofing shingles and stapled them between the ladder rungs for better traction. In less than five minutes they were all going up and down the ladder so apparently it was important for them to feel comfortable on the ladder.
Well done!

I have runs just like that.

The zip ties will break really fast in the weather. Replace them with wire to hold the mesh to the frame.

I put cage-mesh/hardware cloth around the bottom of my run so the bottom two feet are stiff close mesh. Partly this was because a young pullet stuck her head through the chicken-wire and got hung up and died so I wanted finer mesh down where small chickens might be. I think it probably improves predator resistance a good deal as well -- you can't pull on the hardware cloth and bend it upward to crawl under, it's too rigid, and if you're the size of a racoon you're not tall enough to grip the chicken-wire part and put your back into it while pulling.

I used J-clip type cage-clips, and lots of them, to attach the chicken-wire to the hardware cloth and to attach the chicken-wire sheets to each other so the join is close and strong.
Well done!

I have runs just like that.

The zip ties will break really fast in the weather. Replace them with wire to hold the mesh to the frame.

I put cage-mesh/hardware cloth around the bottom of my run so the bottom two feet are stiff close mesh. Partly this was because a young pullet stuck her head through the chicken-wire and got hung up and died so I wanted finer mesh down where small chickens might be. I think it probably improves predator resistance a good deal as well -- you can't pull on the hardware cloth and bend it upward to crawl under, it's too rigid, and if you're the size of a racoon you're not tall enough to grip the chicken-wire part and put your back into it while pulling.

I used J-clip type cage-clips, and lots of them, to attach the chicken-wire to the hardware cloth and to attach the chicken-wire sheets to each other so the join is close and strong.
My wife and I have discussed putting hardware cloth around the bottom of the run for just the reasons that you discussed. We will probably get around to it in the next couple of weeks. I have sunk quite a bit of money into the coop recently (much went into purchasing tools) so I would like my wallet to take a week or two off! Here is something that didn't cost me anything, an outdoor roost that I threw together yesterday from scrap wood that I had lying around.


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