Our Silkie needs a friend!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 9, 2013
Sherwood, Arkansas
We recently got a silkie (our 1st chicken) from a flea market. She is supposed to be between 6 & 8 months old. Now we want to put another chicken with her that is a good egg layer. We want the new chicken to be just as sweet as our silkie but not to big. And what age chicken would be best? Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.
I would look for more bantam chickens that are fully grown. Integration always goes better when the birds are the same physical size, and you say you want birds that won't get too big, so it doesn't sound like you want large fowl.

As far as breed, bantam Cochins, Seramas and Easter Eggers are reputed to lay well, as are bantam Leghorns (but I would guess that banty leghorns are just as flighty as their large fowl counterparts). But do be aware that most adult chickens that you buy will not be as amenable to being touched and petted as birds that were raised from chicks. They will get used to you in time with lots of effort and daily holding and treats.
I'd get another silkie. I have all silkies in my flock and they love each other so much! They have the pecking order of course but they are ALL really sweetfriendly and loving! They are a blessing in my life! I just love the nature of silkies. Consider another silkie for her.. Hope this helps and best wishes. Silkies have such a great nature! I'd get her around 4 or 5 months old. Best wishes.
most of the time silkies don't do well with other breeds. I have found that silkies get pushed around and beat up when they are put with other larger bantam breeds, like brahmas for example. I raise brahma bantams and silkie bantams. I have to mix a few birds together one time and I was surprised when the silkies were being pecked at. I didn't think that would happen with other bantams
How many eggs do you get from silkies? Are they good to eat? Everything I have read about silkies says they are broody. What does that really mean? As you can tell I really don't know much about chickens but my daughter and I fell in love with this silkie. She named her Blueberry! Thanks again.
How many eggs do you get from silkies? Are they good to eat? Everything I have read about silkies says they are broody. What does that really mean? As you can tell I really don't know much about chickens but my daughter and I fell in love with this silkie. She named her Blueberry! Thanks again.

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